Is it just me, or is New Year’s Day sort of anti-climactic? I feel like we should start the new year with a day that encapsulates all we aspire to in the coming 12 months, and yet it is generally a lazy, slothful, counting-down-the-hours (and not in a fun way) ย write-off day that we simply endure. This year in particular felt like a throw-away day, after a New Year’s Eve party that was actually sort of impressive given our status as 30 and 40-something parents of two.
We hung out with our neighbors, their friends, and our collective nine children. Inappropriate games were played, (have you tried Cards Against Humanity? Go do it. Now.) bottles of champagne were consumed, and our children stayed upย wayย too late. So did we-ย 3:00 am.ย For real. Our girls didn’t get nearly enough sleep, nor did we. Our recovery day was pretty unimpressive- lots of napping, movie-watching, and anti-hangover food. (For us, not the kids. Although my toddler did ingest far too much cheese in one evening.)
This day of fatigue, raw nerves, and irritability culminated in a moment when both of my daughters were in my lap, and all three of us were crying. We were fried. Certainly not the day of inspiration, invigoration, and reflection that New Year’s implies. When I realized I had to write this post for Finish the Sentence Friday about my blog goals for the year, my first reaction was this:ย meh. (In fact, I just had a total Freudian typing slip- while I was typing blog goals, I accidentally (?) wrote “blah goals”. Hm.)
It’s true that I am feeling a bit uninspired as I ponder my goals for Mommy, for Real in the new year. I wondered if I’d written a New Year goals post last year, and had a lovely time re-reading my aspirations to “do less unplanned swearing” (note that I had no intention of scrapping the deliberate use of profanity- there’s a distinction.) and “less complaining.” Say it with me-ย epic fail.ย I also aspired to exercise more, sing more, and be more organized. (I know, I’m laughing, too.)
Well. Here’s what actually happened in 2013- I blogged my ass off. As I was searching through my archives, I found nearly twenty posts in January alone. Twenty.ย My blogging goals for 2013 included redoing my site, learning more about blogging, increasing my network, and getting my work “out there.” (In case you are confused, “out there” is the place where bloggers get excited when other websites publish their work for free.) And I succeeded on many fronts.
I was blogging all the time at the beginning of the year, and I definitely achieved many of my goals. I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress, redesigning it along the way with the help of Julie DeNeen. OK, fine, she didn’t “help” me, per se, she just did it. For the first time in my life, I finally got paid to write something, and submitted my work to a variety of websites. In May I was delighted and honored to be a part of the Denver Listen To Your Mother cast, one of the best experiences of my life- writing and otherwise.
In July I traveled to Chicago for BlogHer and met some of my favorite blog friends in real life- this was definitely a highlight of the year. My writing partner Jessica and I created The HerStories Project friendship series and website in 2013 and then published the anthology of friendship essays we compiled in December. I found a place in my blog community through hosting Finish the Sentence Friday, being a co-founder of the Brilliant Book Club, and through the amazing HerStories Project community. Truly, there are some amazing bloggers out there.
Looking back, I think- how am I going to top that? (or something that sounds less braggy.) So here’s my answer- I’m not.
In fact, I may be one of the few people who sets out to blogย lessย in 2014 than she did in 2013. Amy Wilson, one of my writing idols whose book When Did I Get Like This? was one of my biggest influences when starting this blog, summed up some of my concerns and ambivalent feelings in her post Is Blogging a Dead Language? (Bloggers- you should go read this right now.)
I most definitely intend to keep blogging in 2014, but perhaps with less vigor than I did in the previous year. That sounds like a pretty pathetic goal- who sets out to preserve the status quo as their New Year’s Resolution? I met so many great fellow bloggers last year, many that I consider to be actual friends and have subsequently met in real life. (Ahem, I just had lunch with Kristi of Finding Ninee last week!) I want to stay connected to these women, and maybe even discover other new writers this year.
But I can testify that in my zeal to stay engaged, discover new blogs, and make great blogging connections last year, everything else in my life suffered. Everything. In my desperation to find a place for myself in the blogosphere, I clawed my way in, sometimes to my own detriment. For at least half of last year, I probably spent more of my free time reading other blogs, commenting, and sharing than anything else. That idea I had about more exercising, singing, and better organization? Yeah, right. I was blogging, submitting, reading, and commentingย soย much that I had time for little else.
This year, I want to stay connected to my community with perhaps a bit more balance. Maybe this year I actuallyย willย accomplish other things outside of my blogging/writing life. Maybe I can step up my meditation practice, hit the gym more, do more yoga, and instead of frantically typing when I find myself with a few hours of solo time, I can pick up a book or sit down at the piano. When I am with my kids, my friends, or my husband, I want to really beย withย them instead of worrying about what I’m missing on Twitter or my Facebook groups. I don’t want to be mentally composing essays or planning out future blog posts.
Similarly, when I am blogging or writing, I want to be just as present and purposeful. In 2014 perhaps less will be more for me, which means that when Iย amย writing, I need to make it count. I want to preserve the integrity and authenticity of my own voice when I’m blogging. When you write something for another site, it makes good sense to bear in mindย theirย audience and voice when you’re submitting- on my own blog, I want to remember why I started Mommy, for Real to begin with. Because I had something to say about parenting– about the confusion, frustration, and ambivalence that is all wrapped up in the ferocious love I feel for my daughters. I want to write when I feel inspired, rather than out of a sense of pressure or fear that I am failing to measure up, or out of desire to write the next viral post that will finally put me on the map.
Already there is buzz in the blog world about two conferences coming up this summer- BlogHer (duh) and Blog U, a brand new one led by some of my favorite and most revered bloggers. And I’m likely not going to go to either. I’ve averted my eyes while some of my favorites have announced their registration in one or (sob) both of these events, and I’ve stayed deliberately quiet. In an effort to preserve the balance I am aspiring to this year, barring some unforeseen events or good fortune, I will probably sit out the blog conferences this year. It’s just not the right time, and I’m trying to remember that not only is it unrealistic to try to get published everywhere, you simply can’t go to every blogging or writing workshop offered in one year. OK, maybe you can, but I can’t. And I’m a little sad about it, and a lot jealous.
I do want to accomplish more of my writing goals this year, and I plan to do just that. In a focused, subdued way, in direct contrast to how I started in 2013 with a distinct lack of balance and a smidge of obsessiveness. I will continue in pursuit of that elusive blogging balance. And I do want to stay connected to my community of friends, bloggers, mothers, and readers.
In that spirit, many of us know that Facebook is making it hard to stay connected these days, by requiring pages to pay to promote the posts they want their audience to read. It’s a big bummer for many of us bloggers. So I encourage you to stay in touch with me in other ways:
You can subscribe to receive email updates. As mentioned, I intend to blogย lessย this year, so your inbox will definitely not be flooded with daily posts from me!
You can follow me on my personal page– this is different from a “friend request”- you will only see posts I share with everyone, rather than my boring regular status updates and pictures of my kids. Next to the “send friend request” button, click “follow.”
You can follow me on Twitter, Google +, and Pinterest, too!
You can still like and follow my Mommy, for Real FB page, but you may not always see my posts.
(Thanks for this great idea, Sarah at Left Brain Buddha!)
This post is part of Finish the Sentence Friday- clearly this week we were writing about our blog goals for 2014; ย check out the posts below and see what all the other bloggers are working on this year. I can’t wait to find out if I am the only one with visions of mediocrity ,or if another blogger is also striving to blog less, maintain the status quo, or just be “good enough” like me. Happy New Year, everyone!
Next week’s sentence is: “If I had a million dollars, I…”
Your hosts:
Janine at Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Kristi at Finding Ninee
Kate at Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?
Link up with us below, and share your favorite posts with #FTSF!
Oh Stephanie, there is so much to love here, and I have to say I am a bit sad that you won’t be at BlogHer… I can’t go to Blog U and I was sad/jealous to see all the awesome ladies that are registering for that one… But I totally understand you on the need for balance (which is what my post tonight is about too! shocking! ๐ ) I love what you’ve written about staying true to the purpose of your blog. I spent some time thinking about my blog over the break and honing my vision and ensuring that I have a consistent ‘voice’ on my site. I think you definitely capture the joy and frustration and ambivalence in parenting here!
OK, I could write a whole lot more about how much I love this post… but we’re looking for balance, right? I’ll just end by saying, 3AM???? Holy crap!!! I stayed up til 12:15 am and that was a feat!! ๐
I’m sad about BlogHer, too. Who knows, it could happen, but at this point I feel like I can’t justify the expense. I can’t wait to read your post, and I am not at all shocked that we share similar themes! ๐ Thank you for all your kind words!
I’m sensing a common theme in these spots so far – finding balance which means cutting back. I’m in the same boat. I have spent so much time trying to build my audience and get my stuff “out there” that I have become completely stressed and obsessed. One of my goals is to continue deciphering exactly what it is I wan to get out of my blog. Hopefully, that will help me focus in on where I’m going and how to get there!
Oh, now my interest is piqued- I’m just getting started! I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one trying to scale back and find balance- off to read yours, now!
I too am sitting out the conferences, but honestly trying to save money this year and couldn’t justify leaving my husband and my kids for these right now. But I think like you like I blogged tonight, I need to find a bit more balance and not let myself get so caught up with stuff like this in the blogging world. I love it, but I just need a bit more me time, as well as family time, too right now. So, I seriously am going to try to strive for that on my end. I hope you too can find your balance here, too now.
Same thing for me- I can’t justify the expense and time away this year. I am looking forward to reading your post! More me-time and family time is definitely important…
I adore you so damn much. It seems like we are on such similar paths, you. From manic “I will make this WORK” to “Huh…what is a blog working, anyway?”
I’m SO glad that I met you (gave your shout-out in NYE post in case you’re looking for it tonight). I want more IRL too. Less 2am. Love love you. Let’s write a book. For Real.
Sigh. YES! It was so amazing to meet in person- I feel like I miss you now- is that weird? And yes- more IRL! Love you too… xoxo
You know, I did less in 2013 than I did the year before, and I’ve been MUCH happier and more balanced. My blog suffered a little, but I gained more devoted readers as opposed to people just stopping by to comment because I commented on their blog. So go do it! Less, I mean. Do less. It is good for the soul, the family, and ironically, the blog.
That is great to hear, Natalie, thanks so much for that. I think you are right- most of the losses have been from obligatory, you-visited-me-and-I’ll-visit-you people that I don’t have any real relationship with. Those blog readers are totally fine to have, don’t get me wrong, but it takes SO much time and it’s just not worth it. Off to read your post now! xo
CRAP! I played Cards against Humanity w/ my friend Julie that night!!! After I left your loving embrace!!!! I think we were playing at the same time and OMGF FUN>>>> WISH we were at the same party!!!
I can’t believe that! Can you imagine how much fun we would have playing that game together??? Ack, I could die!
I played that game NYE!! So funny! I love anything that non-pc and inappropriate.
Love your goals – they are a common theme among the other goal posts, and certainly common with my own goals! I took a 2 week blog hiatus over the holiday and was blown away with how much I’d let go to pot this past few months I’ve been blogging. Especially quality time with the kids. I’m definitely going to blog when I feel, and try to find a balance. I need to get back to yoga, too!
congrats on all your success in 2013 btw. Awesome!
Thanks, Beth! And isn’t it the best game ever? So. Much. Fun. Yeah, the blog break was pretty pivotal to me- I realized how much less stressed I was, which was sort of telling.
I think when we start out new at anything we really want, we get a little manic about it. That is, if we’re the type of people who realize to be successful at something we must work. You’ve achieved a lot this year and it makes perfect sense to slow down a little bit. You have more experience at the end of this year which means you are now ready to start working smarter instead of harder. All this taken from my years as a teacher, of course. ๐ I am beyond sad I will not meet you at a conference this year!
Smarter, not harder- how wise are you? That is the best advice ever- you ARE a great teacher. Don’t make me cry- I can’t believe I won’t get to meet you there. Ugh.
Wow, as I read, I kept thinking, “I remember that!” It’s shocking to me that I’ve been blogging (and known of you) for so long.
It’s astounding how much time maintaining a blog can take. And it’s not like I do it begrudgingly. I have so much fun writing and reading and commenting and getting to know everyone. And I’ve never even been to a conference or met anyone!
You’ve had a big year. I especially like the book achievement. ๐ I guess I’m going for mediocrity, too. I don’t really care what my “numbers” are. I just want to have fun.
And as a side note, regardless of what you do with the blog, you will never, ever be mediocre.
Your last sentence nearly made me cry. Thank you for that. And I too marvel at how long I’ve been doing this, at how long I’ve “known” you and my other favorites. So glad to have you as part of this community. ๐
Hey I’m all about aiming for mediocrity. Funny you mentioned about starting off blogging so enthusiastically. I had made a goal the past year to blog every day, because if I didn’t I was afraid I wouldn’t keep up with it. Now I look back and think that some of it was good, there was a lot that maybe I plain shouldn’t have written.
This year I too am planning on writing less. Partly because I don’t have time, partly because I’m wanting to save it up for more thought out posts.
And someday I hope I can meet you and my other blogging friends in person, because that would be wonderful!
If I blogged every day, I think I might go insane. I can’t believe how much has shifted for me within the course of one year. I too hope we can meet in person someday- the blog friends I have made are the best part of this whole thing, for sure.
Hahaha! You are not alone lady. We’re totally on the same page. My goals are to slow down for 2014. I can’t maintain the life I’ve been living – my family has suffered. I’m going to coast now. It’s hard, but I’m really going to try.
Yes- I totally hear you. I too will try to coast- I think we were in similar places to one another goal-wise last year, and here we are again… perhaps this is the middle-aged stage of one’s blog?
Wow, congratulations on all you achieved in 2013! I think your achievements of last year are more like my goals for the next three years! Even though I want my blog to grow, I am not upping the number of times I post per week, because then it would be easy to neglect everything else. Here’s hoping you have a great year ahead!
Yes, it is so easy to neglect everything else, isn’t it? Thanks, and looking forward to reading your blog goals for the new year!
That WAS a crazy 2013 for you! It is really hard to accept that you can’t be online and non-virtual at the same time. And what’s harder is that the online word is so enticing. I love to sit my tush in my living room with my laptop and just catch up on blogs for hours. But those hours don’t always exist. Or like you said, they exist at the expense of other activities and people. It’s a really hard balance that I’m constantly working to improve.
Congrats on all the good things that happened in 2014. I’d like to make it to a conference too but not sure if I can swing and how much I REALLY want to go. (Or not.) I’m just not sure.
I think maybe setting aside select patches of time for those tush-sitting hours might be the best idea for me– it’s when I let it become this nebulous expectation of being online and plugged in that I start to feel run-down and resentful. And, ah, balance. So hard to find sometimes! I totally relate to the conference ambivalence. ๐
First off, the 3 a.m. thing is impressive. Really impressive. I made it to maybe 11 p.m. As you know, I am completely on the same page with you. I wonder how typical all of this is for first year bloggers. You start off with a BANG! and want to do everything, and then you simply can’t keep up that pace anymore without going insane. In any case, I love the idea of more purposeful blogging for all of us — figuring out what that means for each of us and striving for more long-term goals. Happy New Year, Steph! You are definitely one of the best things that happened to me in 2013 ๐
I think you are right- I am sensing a definite theme in first and second year bloggers- we just can’t keep up our initial enthusiasm and ambitious pace for long. And I think that’s okay. I second your sentiment- our meeting last year was definitely one of the highlights!
Hi Stephanie! So happy to “meet” you and be reminded: our fellow travelers are the real reason we all keep doing this. I look forward to following your blog!
Well, I’m not going to lie- I had a little shiver of being “star-struck” when I saw this comment! Thank you so much for stopping by, Amy! I appreciate it!
I have been getting so frustrated. We won’t even go there at this point. I love to write but want to feel like someone has read it. Sighs. My kids are older now so this is my outreach, my passion.. at this point my job.. which I don’t mind. But I can understand the burnout as well.. been there done that myself a few times.
Thanks for that- I think it is so easy to burn out and forget what we love about blogging.
The pic of your New Year’s Princess just reminded me of the first New Year’s Eve I spent with one of my nephews at that age. He went to bed at his regular time but BEGGED us to wake him before midnight to he could watch the ball drop. We did just that. The problem was that he was so out of it, he actually yelled at us the next day for not getting him up and didn’t believe us when we told him we did! LOL This is only the 3rd #FTSF post I’ve read so far, but I sense a theme going on with the scaling back. At least you know you’re in good company. ๐
Ha! Funny… I too am sensing a theme here- definitely makes me feel better!
I wrote a brilliant comment on my phone last night and it disappeared – crap! (That was deliberate use of profanity, btw). I can identify with everything you wrote, Stephanie. Present and purposeful – that’s how I want to approach writing and life this year. As Jean so wisely said – working smarter instead of harder. I look forward to reading everything you write this year, and I’m sure none of it will be mediocre!
Gah! I hate those damn phone comments that disappear. So frustrating. But hey- this one isn’t bad at all! ๐ Thank you so much for that- it means a lot to me! And deliberate use of profanity duly noted. ๐ I am looking forward to reading your thoughts and goals, Dana- glad we found each other’s blogs in 2013!
I was impressed that I was able to stay awake on New Years Eve past 10 and make it to 1 am. The fact that we had a party going on helped ๐
I would’ve been impressed if I’d made it until 11:00, let alone 3:00! So out of character for us… and yes, parties definitely help! ๐
I loved that you all stayed up on New Year’s Eve. I made it and went outside when the kids were setting off fireworks — while hubs slept. ha. Conferences are great and love to get inspired and meet new and old friends. And I love the thought of making our writing time count. That is wisdom.
Thanks Jamie. I am hoping that taking a year off of conferences will make the next one even more meaningful! And yes- 3:00 am! I may never do it again…
As the FSTF post time approached my mind was elsewhere. Amazing. It had seemed so important just days before. When my 18 year old was suddenly knocked flat by stomach flu (literally – he spent 6 hours yesterday lying prone on the bathroom floor) all thoughts of blogging fled in a blink. Write? Pfft!
Sound the trumpets! Good on you for pressing the “hold and refocus” button on blogging for 2014. You’re bang on – focus on quality not quantity. I look forward to reading your upcoming posts Stephanie.
Yes, nothing like the stomach flu and your children in need to bring your attention and priorities into sharp focus! I hope he is feeling better and you are staying healthy. Thanks for your comments, Kelly, I really appreciate it!
I feel like I could have written this Stephanie (minus all the blog accomplishments in 2013, but I still had a few…). I feel exactly like you — definitely planning to keep my already low key schedule to blogging, which I reinstated a few months ago. I had the excuse of my son’s health, but still, I think I would have cut back anyway. I feel much happier (and sane) with my new attitude towards blogging – I aim for 2 posts a week, sometimes more and sometimes less. I only plan to blog when I have something meaningful to write. I want to focus on my other writing goals this year, while still maintaining my blog. I may have lost some readership but I’m okay with that. I wish I could attend one of the blog conferences (and was definitely bummed to miss BlogHer last summer) but like you, I’m not going to go (partially due to circumstances but also because I know if I go, I may inadvertently push myself in a direction I don’t necessarily want to go in). Like you, I will still be jealous of those who do go! Anyway, I’m with you on your new “less is more” approach!
Thank you so much for that comment, Emily- it was both reassuring and validating! I think this attitude is much healthier, and I really believe I will be a happier person for taking it down a notch. I hope that one day you and I both make it to the same conference and can meet in person. I definitely consider you a kindred blog spirit!
Wow, Steph. This really made a lot of sense to me. I have to say that I purposely skipped FTSF this week. Self-referential “blogging goal” posts? No thank you. But this, this was different. I think you hit on something so important, which is that we can’t DO everything and BE everything to everyone. I’d love to sit down with you and talk about some real writing goals for this year. I feel like we are really similar. One reason I’m not going to BlogHer — all the way to San Diego — is I can’t justify the time and expense for something that leaves me feeling empty way too often. But I do have some writing goals, and I know you do, too. I’m really serious – we could keep each other honest and brainstorm a little. Let me know! xoxo ps – accidental versus purposeful swearing : YES.
No, wow to THAT! Really? I am flattered that you extracted that perspective from this post- thank you! I had to laugh at this– “Self-referential โblogging goalโ posts? No thank you.” Yeah. I so get that. But you put something into words that hadn’t quite occurred to me– “I canโt justify the time and expense for something that leaves me feeling empty way too often.” I really appreciate hearing you express it that way. And, I will definitely take you up on your offer! Let’s do it!
I love this! I’ve been having a lot of the same feelingsโฆI blogged incessantly in 2013 trying to do it all, and frankly, when I took a break over the holidays, it felt SOOO good. Like, I could breath and not stress, and my brain was taking a little bit of a break (i.e. not composing blog posts constantly). And, now, my goal is just to chill the heck out when it comes to my blog. I would love to accomplish everything you have and more, but I’ve also realized that it comes at a priceโฆ.so many of the bloggers I look up to (like you) work really, really, REALLY hard to accomplish what they have. And, I need to make sure that I still love what I do. ๐ Great post!
Yes! The break was SUCH a relief! I had two posts planned that I completely blew off, and it felt good! Let’s chill out together! The “success” comes with a price for sure. (And, ahem, it pays very little in return. :/)
Really nicely said. I’ve done that: where you are WITH your family but really in your head you are planning for your blog. CRACK, its like crack (I imagine). I love the bla goals accident. You’ve done so many amazing things–good for you. I think I’m going to stay away from blog conferences for now, because it might just put me over the manic-blogging edge to the point where I no longer connect with human people unless it is through the keyboard. MUCH LOVE!
Thank you so much for that, Christina! I too imagine it’s like crack! ๐ And the conferences are SO amazing, but I really understand the whole pushing to the edge of blog mania problem. Ugh. Happy New Year!
OK, that definition of “out there”and the the description of the blogging experience as a whole was brilliant.
I’m kind of devastated (in a non-dramatic understatementy way) that you’re not going to BlogHer. Not that there’s any indication that I am, but you and Deb and Jen and Sarah were all part of my fantasy. OK, scratch that, that sounds wrong. I’m sad, but I get it. I’m only going (again, haven’t registered, so purely on a planning/procrastinating level right now) to get inspired in my writing and supported by the friendship I encountered last year.
I look forward to more brilliance from you in 2014. You can’t be mediocre if you tried.
Aw, thanks. I can’t imagine what will happen if you find MORE inspiration in your writing- you’re already operating at a standard of near-perfection! And I am sort of devastated, too. (Again, perhaps a miracle will occur?) The fantasy is NOT weird- the experience of all of us being together was so beautiful, and one I will never forget. I know without a doubt that you and I will meet again, at a conference or something else.
And also, glad someone noticed/appreciated the “out there” reference- I wondered if it sounded strangely hostile or inappropriate! ๐
xoxo to you.
No, neither hostile nor strange, just very relatable ๐
I’ll be praying for a miracle then! <3
Funny – we played Cards Against Humanity at our New Years’ party last year. Fun game! This year we stayed in and watched Tarzan with the kids; and then Days of Thunder (I lost that coin toss) once they went to bed. We made it to midnight. Huzzah!
As far as blogging – I loved this post. It actually gives me, as a newer blogging, a great view of the efforts involved in (very well deserved) success. I’m firmly in hobby land at the moment – but the draw of “getting your writing out there” is tempting. I see the shiny in both sides.
Every congratulations on all your successes last year – and all the best for more balance with the rest of your life this year!
I LOVED reading this! The balance thing is huge and although I did not mention it in mine, I plan to work smarter, not harder this year (the editorial calendar is going to be a big one there) because I need more balance. You just put it into the perfect words! This is my first time linking up with FTSF and I am very glad to join in the fun!
I just did a regular friend request with you on FB if that works ๐ I love your post, very real. And it really makes sense doesn’t it? One thing I did better in 2013 than I did the year prior was read (actual books). For two years prior of blogging I stopped reading. So then in 2013 I managed to read lots of books but I stopped “writing”. Sigh. Thank goodness this “area” is my hobby ๐ I’m not far off from maintaining some balance.
Well, that’s a mouth full. Where should I begin with what I found fabulous, let’s see… blog fog overtaking your life (check). Being uninspired (check). Wanting to be more present in your real life (check). This shizz really is hard isn’t it. I feel the same way. But deliberate use of profanity is a must. Love ya gal!
Oh Steph, I’m exhausted just reading all of this 2013 activity. I had the same trouble last year…not having my mind where my body was. I was always thinking about comments and FB and Twitter, even when I wasn’t blogging at the moment. It can be overwhelming, and what’s the end result? More comments from strangers telling us that the crap we write is totally what they were thinking blah blah blah? Lol. Blogging has really been a blessing for me, so I don’t want to turn it into a burden for myself or the people who read it for whatever reason. Lol. Good luck! You’re pretty great so keep it up.
I feel like we are living parallel lives, Stephanie. Ashley and I literally *just* had a two hour conversation about exactly this today. We worked SO hard in 2013….both of us spending way more than 40-60 hours a week doing blogging and we were just spent. We’ve decided to take it down a notch for our own good. Our goal is to post less and make sure we are keeping life in balance. It’s something we’ve been lacking. SO nice to hear we are not the only ones!! Here’s to being just good enough this year!! –Lisa