Well, I was super excited last week to receive ANOTHER award! Yes, that makes two! For those that are not immersed in the blogosphere and its unique dynamic, I will allow the talented Julie of Life According to Julie, who bestowed this awesome award on me, to explain what makes this special:

“In the blogging world, awards are given from bloggers to bloggers. It is a simple way to boost a blogger’s traffic, recognize a fellow writer, and celebrate someone else’s accomplishments. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy getting recognition and encouragement right”

Julie is one of the bloggers who most inspires me. She is honest and funny, not to mention the fact that she is a brilliant writer. In addition to her personal blog, she writes an incredibly helpful blog called Fabulous Blogging that offers valuable tips to newbies like myself. Also, did I mention she is a published author? She is totally my hero. 

As the rules dictate, bloggers who receive this award are supposed to list seven things about themselves. However, I JUST did that here, not to mention the Monday Listicles I did where I bragged about my greatness,  so I am going to break away from my nature as a rule-follower and see how it feels to be a non-conformist for a change.

Today, instead of talking about myself again, I am going to list seven blogs that I love, and that I think you will love too.

1. Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine? One of my absolute favorite blogger friends, Kate, is the mastermind behind this gem. She takes seemingly mundane topics, like taking your kids to church, and elevates them to sheer comic hilarity. She is a fantastic humor writer, and I guarantee you will laugh yourself silly if you hop on over to check her out.

2. Go Momma. As you may have suspected, this one is written by a mom: she has two little boys and a new baby girl. This blog is anything but dull. No topic is off limits to Josie, and I love that about her blog. Anyone who has ever had children will relate to her writing and she is just downright funny.

3. Momaical is written by the fantastic Tracy, who also pioneered the awesome group of female bloggers known as The Epistolarians, of which I am humbled to be a part. Her writing is sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart-wrenching, and incredibly unique. She rocks.

4. Laugh Lines is one of my favorite blogs that does not pertain to the experience of parenting young children- the author is a grandma and yet somehow I relate to so much of her writing. Every one of her posts has gotten a huge belly laugh from me- they are so entertaining and easy to read. Visiting her blog is like giving myself an extra cookie.

5. One of my newest discoveries is Cloudy with a Chance of Wine. I know, you’re already sold, huh? Who would have thought topics such as the worst pap smear ever could be so hilarious? This blog is so well written and relatable to women- read one post and you will be wishing like I do that you knew her in real life.  I never know exactly where it will take me, but I am never disappointed.

6. Another of my newest favorites is Hollow Tree Ventures. This blog is the perfect combination of funny and thoughtful. I actually invited its author, Robyn, to be my blog wife, if that tells you anything about how awesome it is. Plus, one of the regular features is the not to be missed, “As the Dollhouse Turns.” Tell me you don’t want to know what that is all about.

7. I knew I loved The Mom of the Year when I read this post about the versatility of yoga pants. If you’re anything like me, you’ll love it too. Another thing I love about Meredith is that she unites her fellow bloggers with collaborations such as What Moms Really Want For Christmas.

Now comes the part where I get to pass on the honor to another worthy blogger. I have picked Kristi of Finding Ninee. She blogs about her life as the mom of a little boy who may be on the autism spectrum, and her writing is beautiful, heartfelt, and inspiring. She just so happens to be hilarious, also. Her posts are strikingly honest and engaging. I only recently discovered her blog, and I am so excited about it. I can’t wait to spend more time perusing the archives- every time I read something else of hers I feel a little more immersed in her world. Head straight over to her blog and show her some love!

Until next time!