Monday evening was our first-read through for the 2023 Listen To Your Mother Boulder show. We may have built up the excitement around this event just a *little* bit, as we often say it’s our favorite part of the whole season and frequently toss around the word “magical” to describe the table read . . . but it didn’t disappoint. There’s just nothing like the first time cast members get to meet and hear each other’s stories, and fully understand how special the show is as a whole.
We laughed (so much), we cried . . . a lot . . . we had chocolate and macarons and various sparkling beverages, we forgot to take a group selfie because we were having too much fun. . . It was especially powerful gathering at the headquarters of our 2023 beneficiary, A Precious Child, and remembering all the incredible work they are doing in our community.
Hearing everyone’s stories together for the first time was truly a thrill, and it made us even more excited to bring them to you LIVE at the Boulder Theater on Saturday, May 13th. We laughed and shrieked at cringey (and relatable) parenting adventures, cried and clasped hands as readers remembered beloved mothers, and supported each other through the reading of poignant stories. We can’t wait until our next rehearsal, and we really can’t wait until you all get to share in this experience with us next month! You can get to know our fabulous cast here.
We often get the question: “Is Listen To Your Mother only for moms? Would men like this show?” And the answer is, LTYM is definitely NOT just for moms. Some of our favorite regular attendees are men; yep, they come back year after year, and not all of them are married to a cast member! ???? The real power of Listen To Your Mother is storytelling, and that’s something we can all relate to. We’ve come to appreciate the impact of how dynamic, connecting, and even healing it is when we come together to listen to and tell our stories, regardless of age, gender, or family situation. So the short answer is: Listen To Your Mother is for everyone! (Except children. . . there are definitely some pieces and some language that is not appropriate for younger audience members. We think teenagers are a safer bet!)
We can’t wait to see you on May 13th at the Boulder Theater! Tickets are on sale here.
Stay in touch here:
Your 2023 LTYM Boulder Production Team,
Stephanie & Megan