You probably know that if you’re here to get some fun craft ideas to do with your toddlers, or some easy, nutritious recipes that your whole family will love, you’ve come to the wrong place. I am the Anti-Craft, and although I enjoy cooking, I’m not exactly breaking new ground by way of recipe ideas.

But there’s one creative thing I can give you this season, and that’s a few fun songs to sing with your kids (or let them watch over and over on You Tube while you’re frantically preparing that amazing new recipe from that helpful and innovative parenting blog) during the month of October.

If you didn’t know already, I’m a board certified music therapist with about 14 years of experience teaching early childhood music classes. Because my classes are music therapy based, in addition to being fun (I hope), they also incorporate developmental skills that are important for toddlers and preschoolers, such as fine and gross motor development, speech and language skills, attention, socialization, and self-regulation. In my music classes, parents and children play instruments, move to the music, interact with peers, and learn songs they can sing while moving their hands and bodies.

Each October we practice Halloween songs and songs about fall leaves. Here’s a quick video with 4 of my favorite seasonal songs: Leaves are Falling, 5 Little Pumpkins (yes, the classic you learned in the 1980s), Black Cat, and I’m a Witch.




If you’re interested in finding out more about my classes or program in general, you can check out my other website, Music With Miss Stephanie. And if you’re looking for a few more fun songs to sing with your kids—or even better, to use to distract them from screaming, whining, or asking you the same question over and over while you’re driving in the car—you can check out my children’s CD, “Songs That Won’t Annoy Your Parents (Too Much)”. It makes a great holiday gift if you’re planning ahead, and I’ll autograph your CD, mail it right to you, and send you a link to the lyrics and actions that accompany the songs. You can find out more about the songs and order one here!

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Enjoy these fall and Halloween tunes!

Let’s connect! You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Keep up with all my latest posts right here!
