Reading has always been one of my absolute favorite pastimes. I used to be monogamous to one book at a time, but these days, I’ve got at least two or three books going at once. Usually only one novel, but I’m always in the middle of a nonfiction book as well- generally a parenting, writing, or wellness book, if not more than one! I’ve also begun to read anthologies, and I keep one next to my bed for those times when I only have fifteen minutes or so and want to enjoy a quick essay without getting sucked into a complicated storyline or diving into something heavy.

In fact, the warmer the weather gets, the pickier I am about my reading material. I usually ditch the weightier subjects during the summer months, and I have absolutely no interest in reading a book that feels like work to me. Spring and summertime means more hours spent outdoors, more time together as a family, and generally less time reading inside. So when I do read a book, I want it to be something that is easy, enjoyable, and entertaining. Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s a great opportunity to buy a book for the mama in your life! In fact, I have a great suggestion for you- are you ready for it? Drumroll…. The HerStories Project book! (You knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?) And here’s why: 

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  1. Books make great Mother’s Day gifts, and this is the perfect kind of book to give. Flowers are okay, but a great book lets her know that you have put the effort into getting her something you think she’ll enjoy. Since this book is a collection of essays, as I mentioned above, it is so easy to pick up and put down as you like, reading an entire section or just one essay at a time. It’s easy reading– relatable, enjoyable, engaging, and affirming–and filled with a beautiful diversity of styles and voices.
  2. A book about friendship lets her know that you value her as more than just a mom. Mothers are complex- we are wives, daughters, sisters, friends, and individuals. A book that celebrates the uniqueness and importance of women’s friendship lets her know that you appreciate her as a whole person.
  3. Pair it with a “gift certificate” for a girlfriend date, and you’re in for the rest of the year. Present your wife/sister/friend with her book and then send her off to dinner with her friend while you watch the kids. Best gift ever.
  4. The section on motherhood will resonate with her no matter what stage of parenting she’s in. The essays in the Motherhood part of the book share themes of loneliness, isolation during infancy, and the bonds developed during this delicate and powerful life transition.
  5. The contributors include some of the most talented freelance writer moms and parenting bloggers. Jill Smokler of Scary Mommy wrote the foreword, and some of our contributors include Allison Slater Tate, writer of the viral post, “The Mom Stays in the Picture,” Huffington Post Parent bloggers Alexandra Rosas and Lindsey Mead, Monica Sakala of Wired Momma, Brain, Child Magazine bloggers Nina Badzin and Lauren Apfel, and way too many more to mention. (OK, fine, I’ll mention just a few of my favorite bloggers- Kristi, Kate, KatiaCarisa, Sarah, Jean, and Deb all have beautiful essays in the book.) In fact, 50 amazingly talented writers contributed to this book.

Here are some of the most inspiring quotes from the book:

As a parent, friendships are perhaps the only thing keeping us sane.~Jill Smokler, Scary Mommy





Those first few friendships I forged in the fire of new motherhood saved me from losing my mind, and my sense of humor.~Dana Schwartz





They were the sisters who kept my head above water with encouraging words and even a swift kick in the ass when necessary. They were my late night phone calls, the deliverers of coffee and the childcare providers I so desperately relied on. ~Vicky Willenberg



Now this isn’t just a suggestion for husbands with no clue what to buy for a Mother’s Day gift. What about your best friend who just had her first baby? Or your crazy-busy sister whose hands are full with three kids? Moms love getting special treatment for Mother’s Day, so don’t forget about all the mamas you love, whether or not they’re your own!

  • So please help spread the word! Share with all the hubbies you know who are searching for something special- it never hurts to drop a few hints (or email a link!) to your own husband! And pass it on to all the women in your life that you are grateful for- books are a great way to remind them how much you love them. You can buy the book right here

My co-editor Jessica Smock and I are also excited to announce our next book, My Other Ex, to be published in September 2014! We are sifting through submissions at this very moment! Read more about that project here.

Lindsey quote

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This post is part of Finish the Sentence Friday.

This week’s sentence was, “I have absolutely no interest in…”
Next week’s sentence is, “Dear Mom,…” (You KNOW you want in on that one!)

Your hosts:

Kelly McKenzie is joining us as a co-host!
Janine at Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Kristi at Finding Ninee
Kate at Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?

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Finish the Sentence Friday