Welcome back to Finish the Sentence Friday, where today’s prompt is:

The last time I went on vacation…

(Play along! Bloggers, link up, regular readers, jump in on the comments below!)

The last time I went on vacation, I realized that I never want to go on vacation without my parents ever again. (Well, unless I am going without my kids, in which case, they can stay home with them!) In March, the whole family went to Disney World. I figured that was our last good opportunity to go for a year or two, as Sophie was barely six months and was in that delicious stage where she smiled, laughed, and interacted, but could not move. This is a beautiful phase.

The sleeping-on-the-go ship has long since sailed.

The sleeping-on-the-go ship has long since sailed.

Izzy was five, and right in the thick of Princess-Mania. This trip was one of the few times where I haven’t been slightly sickened by her obsession (which by the way, appears to have ended. And now I’m sad. Stupid greener grass on the other side.) as Disney World is pretty much the most fun place in the world for a five year old girl who likes princesses.

Izzy with her favorite princess, Ariel

Izzy with her favorite princess, Ariel

It was one of the most fun vacations I have ever had in my life, and hands-down the most fun I have had with children. Pay attention- this was the key to our success: Grammy and Papa came with us. 

I know that vacationing with one’s parents is not for everyone. But it is most definitely “for me”. I adore my parents. They are so much fun. Truth be told, someday I would like to take a vacation with just me and my mom. We are vacation soulmates: we would spend each day lying in the sun, reading and drinking cocktails. We would spend each night eating and drinking wine. And reading some more. And probably laughing a lot.

How I adore my mom.

How I adore my mom.

My dad is one of my favorite people to spend time with; he may not be a big talker, but when he does open his mouth it’s either breathtakingly wise and important or gut-bustingly funny. In kind of an understated, didn’t-see-that-coming sort of way. And the lovely thing is, My husband genuinely enjoys my parents too. 

So take this fact and combine it with the fact that they are helpful beyond belief, and you have the equation for the perfect vacation. With the brilliant 4 adults:2 children ratio, nobody was ever frazzled, flustered, or freaking out. We all got a turn being off-duty, and the kids were constantly doted on and taken care of.

Disney World can be kind of an overwhelming place, and during the entire week we were in Florida, I rarely felt stressed. This is really saying something, especially considering that I spent a portion of every day breastfeeding the baby who never took a bottle on the toilet seats of various public restrooms. (Oh, then there was the time we stayed late at the park for the parade and fireworks, and Sophie fell asleep nursing and I walked out of the the park amongst the bewildered throngs of tourists with a sleeping baby actually latched onto my boob and covered with a blanket. OK, that night wasn’t the most relaxing, come to think of it.)

Anyway, when I look back on that trip, one of the prominent impressions is, we had two extra people to share the burden of child-watching, and we had two extra people to laugh with. And we always laugh a lot when we are with them. Sometimes you can gloss over family memories by inadvertently blocking out the bad parts, but in this case, I think it was honestly the best family vacation ever. I hope we can take many, many more vacations with my parents. Cheers, Mom and Dad!

Vacation is exhausting.

Vacation is exhausting.

Big thanks to Kate of Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine… and Janine of Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic for hosting Finish the Sentence Friday #3!

Finish the Sentence Friday

What did you do on your last vacation?