I feel passionately about the importance of children realizing that their mothers are more than just parents. I think it is part of my job as a mom to show my daughters that not only am I their mommy, but I am a whole person, too. It is essential for my own mental health, but I think it is necessary for them too. The martyr thing never really worked out for me, and I am much happier when I can incorporate things that I love into my daily life. For me that is writing.

As early as I can remember, I was writing. I think even when I wasn’t writing, when I was perhaps just thinking, my brain was narrating stories and practicing dialogue. When I was in 5th and 6th grade, I started writing poems and stories more diligently in my free time, and I had the most supportive teacher, Mrs. Noonan, who would patiently read everything I brought in for her. Not only that, she encouraged and complimented me as I brought in poem after poem, story after story. I’m sure the fruits of my labor would make me cringe if I could read them now, but back then I was so proud of myself.

It seems that my six and a half year old, Izzy, will be following in my footsteps. My post today is her very first personal narrative story, an assignment completed in her first grade classroom.

May I present:

A Sister For Me.







Translation: My sister was crying. It took 3 days to get out of the hospital. I was only in it for 2 days. (Not sure what this means, exactly. Also, we were not there for 3 days. Just sayin’. )


It's a bio! And a dedication! Could this be any cuter?

It’s a bio! And a dedication! Could this be any cuter?

Suffice it to say, Mommy is very proud. Izzy knows that I am a writer and blogger, and she has been so excited when she learns of one of my accomplishments, like being published in an anthology, or being chosen for Listen To Your Mother; I know that her desire to please me is strong, but when it comes to her interest in writing, I think it is actually innate. Perhaps my daughters’ talents will mirror my own- how fulfilling that would be to witness. But maybe they won’t- maybe my youngest will be a track star, a dancer, or something else that require a grace that I do not possess. No matter what paths they choose, I will celebrate their successes and acknowledge their dreams; I am setting that example for them in my own life as well.

Welcome Back to Finish the Sentence Friday!

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Me from Mommy, for Real!

Janine from Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic

Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?

Dawn from Dawn’s Disaster

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  • Next week’s sentence is: “If I were stuck on an island, I would like to have…”


Finish the Sentence Friday