I hit a turning point in my life when I realized that, despite my best intentions and efforts to be prepared, things were not going to turn out as I had planned. There is nothing like motherhood to throw a wrench in the Type A works. When people decide to have children, they should receive a notice that reads, “Parenthood: Control Freaks Need Not Apply.” As much as I’d like to pretend I can go with the flow, I am not fooling anyone. If I impersonate a laid-back individual, it is clear that I am merely a control-freak in sheep’s clothing.

I have sort of come to terms with the fact that my life as a mom is going to be messy, the kids are going to “ruin” outings with their hysterical antics, and “special occasions” are going to turn into catastrophes. Though it makes me uncomfortable to lean into the chaos, as it goes against my natural inclination to come up with a “vision” and stick to it, I am learning to let go- just a little.

We’re all familiar with Murphy’s Law, the old adage that assumes that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In my opinion, there is a special variation of this vexing “law” that applies strictly to parents. Though it causes me great pain, I am trying to cope with the fact that all of these scenarios have happened to me and will likely continue to happen to me for many years to come. May I present: “Mommy’s Law.”

Mommy's Law

Sound familiar? Even though I know it is doesn’t pay to be an uptight parent, I still accept the fact that it is hard for me to go with the flow, especially when plagued by the above conditions of Β motherhood. I am working on finding that elusive balance between learning to relax a little, and embracing the fact that I am not, nor will I ever be, a mellow mommy.


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Me from Mommy, for Real

Janine from Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic

Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?

Dawn from Dawn’s Disaster

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Finish the Sentence Friday