It’s the last Monday Listicles of the year!
I’d like to start off this post with a few words of explanation. First off, I am technologically challenged. I have no idea how to get rid of that errant Twitter icon at the bottom of my post; it took much more effort than I would care to admit to figure out how to get these Tweets into this post. Sheesh.
Secondly, not sure why the formatting of this post is so off. The hell with it.
Thirdly, I would like to thank Kate for suggesting several options for our themes today. I would LOVE to do an 80s theme, but it would take much more time than I have during this long holiday break to do it justice.
*How do you mommy bloggers with young kids at home all day get your writing done? I have ten more days with no school for the big one and no childcare for the little one, and I have no idea when to get my blogging done. I digress.
So, fortunately for me, there was an alternate theme, Tweets, that I can (sort of) pull off with my limited windows of time to blog. I just joined Twitter three or four months ago, rather reluctantly I might add, and these are my Top Ten Tweets to sum up my life as a Tweeter, wife, and mother.
Oh, and in case you were wondering what is up with me writing out the numbers in the title of this post, I thought it would highlight my alliteration. I’m kind of lame like that.
So, I realize I indicated that this was my last post of the year, but I couldn’t fail to join in on this Listicle, as Kate is one of my favorite blog buddies.
Happy New Year, and excuse my clumsy Tweet-embedded post today!