Monday evening was the first time a Listen To Your Mother Boulder cast was able to gather in person for nearly three years. We may have built up the excitement and significance around this event just a *little* bit . . . but it didn’t disappoint. Our first read-through was downright magical. We often say the first rehearsal is our favorite part of the process, because it’s the first time the show as a whole really clicks. Cast members get to meet and hear each other’s stories, and there really isn’t any way to put into words how special the dynamic is. We laughed (so much), we cried . . . a lot . . . we had chocolate, we took a few ridiculous selfies. It was especially powerful gathering at the headquarters of our 2022 beneficiary, A Precious Child, and seeing firsthand all the incredible things they are doing for families in the community, particularly after the Marshall Fire.

Hearing everyone’s stories together for the first time was truly a thrill, and it made us even more excited to bring them to you LIVE at the Boulder Theater on Saturday, May 7th. It was so inspiring to gather in person and celebrate the power of storytelling, and we all felt even more grateful than usual to be there. We can’t wait until our next rehearsal, and we really can’t wait until you all get to share in this experience with us next month! You can get to know our fabulous cast here.

Small business owners, we are finalizing our sponsors this year, and would love to promote some new businesses! We are currently offering $100 sponsorships, which includes an ad in the program insert, a complimentary ticket, and an opportunity to set up a table in the lobby prior to the show to hand out promotional materials and connect with audience members. If you’re interested or want more information, email us at ltymboulder@

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 pm, grab your tickets here, and make sure you are subscribed to our email newsletter below to stay up to date on important announcements! We absolutely cannot wait to bring you this year’s show and introduce you to our talented cast!

Your 2022 LTYM Boulder Production Team,

Stephanie & Megan