therealthingI am beyond excited to share that I am on Scary Mommy today! She is one of my idols in the blogging and writing world, and I am thrilled that I am able to contribute a post to her fantastic website! My post is titled, 5 Signs That You May Or May Not Be Pregnant.

Back in my TTC days, (that’s “trying to conceive,” for those of you who may not frequent fertility message boards) I was acutely tuned into my signs of fertility, my menstrual cycle, and particularly any potential early signs of pregnancy. I’m sure I’m not the only person who experienced this heightened level of awareness brought on by a desire to become pregnant, but I always envied those Type B conceivers- you know, those people who said things like, “We’re not trying to get pregnant, but we’re not not trying!” Those laid-back, well-adjusted bastards…. Read the full post here!


And for anyone who may be visiting from Scary Mommy for the first time, welcome! I am so glad you found your way over here, and I hope you’ll come back again. Here are a few of my posts from the past several months, in case you feel like wandering around for a bit…

10 Things That Took Awhile To Get Back After My Baby Was Born
Still Looking For My People (on my other website, The HerStories Project)
What I’d Like To Tell My Childless Friends, But Won’t
How To Have Fun at the Pool With Your Toddler in 5 Easy Steps

You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for stopping by!