The Cabbage Patch Mom of the Year

Welcome back to Finish the Sentence Friday! I am so delighted to report that I will now be regularly co-hosting this fantastic link-up, along with these awesome ladies: Janine from Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of...

My Closet: Where Nursing Bras Go To Die

Today’s Monday Listicles topic is 10 Things In My Closet. At first I thought, Hmmm, what can I possibly do with this one? But once I got started, inspiration struck and I got really excited to see what everyone else comes up with this week. So my husband and I...

I Want My Mommy and Daddy!

Welcome back to Finish the Sentence Friday, where today’s prompt is: The last time I went on vacation… (Play along! Bloggers, link up, regular readers, jump in on the comments below!) The last time I went on vacation, I realized that I never want to go on...