Why I Took My Time Losing My Baby Weight

Let’s assume, for the sake of clarity, that the term “baby weight” still applies when one’s baby is 12 months or older, m’kay? Since the birth of my second child, (over a year ago) I have not been in a giant hurry to regain my pre-baby figure. Sure, I’d love to fit...

Weaning: A Bittersweet Ending

My second daughter, Sophie, took a bottle twice in her life, and by the ripe old age of three weeks, decided she preferred her milk to come directly from the source- Mama. We tried for months to re-introduce the bottle in a variety of ways; we tried several different...

The Demise of the Fist Pump

A few weeks ago I taught my one year old daughter the sign for “milk” in an effort to get her to stop tugging on my shirt and whining when she wanted to nurse. The sign, which basically involves moving your fist up and down to mime milking a cow, somehow seemed more...

My Night in Naps

In the past month or two, we have been attempting to battle our chronic sleep deprivation with some strategies to push our 12 month old’s first nighttime feeding back. It has taken weeks to inch her wake-ups back, due to our desire to keep our techniques as gentle as...