Postcards from Sleep Deprivation Hell

There is a good reason sleep-deprivation has been used as a form of torture. One night here or there isn’t pleasant, but night after night for months on end is downright agony. My second daughter, not yet a year, started out her life being quite a good nighttime...

Deliver us from Mommui

What a milestone! The day started bright and early. My oldest daughter had just lost her first tooth, and tiptoed into my bedroom to share her note and dollar from the Tooth Fairy. Thankfully, we had only discovered her tooth was loose 18 hours before it fell out, and...

Mommy’s Monday Meltdown

It was Monday morning, and time for me to return to work after a particularly sleepless weekend. Sunday night was legendary; one of those nights when I was up nearly every hour, stumbling zombie-like between our three bedrooms. I was possibly hallucinating and woke up...