My Name is Mommy

Today I am sharing the piece I read in Listen To Your Mother Boulder 2016; it’s a story of my single parent years and my identity crisis as a mother. If you haven’t heard the news, this is the LAST year for Listen To Your Mother, and I am thrilled to be...

A Day of Celebration

I woke up this morning ready to celebrate the wedding of my dear friend to a man she loves. I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding today, as well as sing four songs in the ceremony. As soon as I got out of bed, I felt joyful about the impending festivities. And then I...

The Marriage Happiness Experiment

Here is a non-news flash for you: Marriage is hard. Some newbies may be a bit bewildered when they realize that committed relationships are not the magic elixir for all that ails you, but long-term couples have likely already come to this sobering realization. Some...