When We Lose It

Just a few weeks ago, I shared a post with strategies for “keeping your cool in a parenting crisis.” Thanks for the laughs, universe. I find these tips to be truly useful, but as a “hot responder,” staying calm isn’t exactly my forte....

A Day In The Life with Toddlers

Last week, Finish the Sentence Friday’s theme was essentially: A Day in The Life. I chose to write about my job for several reasons: one, I had just launched my new website, Music With Miss Stephanie, and I am all about cross-promotion, and two, I was lazy. Choosing...

Weekly Wrap-up and Snow Day: The Sequel

Happy weekend, all! I am bracing myself for another snow day alone with my two girls while my husband goes in to help out the City. Guess I better dig out your suggestions from last time…or a big bottle of wine…or both. In case you missed anything, here is...

The Stress-aholic Hits Bottom: Why I Hate Mornings

I have been pretty up front about the fact that I suck at mornings. I have written more than one blog post about the debacles that have occurred in the hour after we roll about of bed before we frantically peal out of the driveway. It’s not pretty. After I complain...