Moms Who Swear

Of all the topics I’ve ever written about, swearing evokes the strongest reader responses. Wait, I take that back: American Girl Dolls bring all the crazies to the yard. People love to chime in on that post. But my most widely read blog post is one I wrote...

Mommy Vs. The Wasp

If I were stranded alone on a deserted island, I would need to bring some sort of industrial-strength aerosol insect repellant. You see, I am afraid of bugs. Especially the kind that sting. And fly. Ever since I was a child, I would succumb to a fight-or-flight panic...

Mommies Should Not Get PMS

As I drove to work this morning, inexplicably crying and angrily shouting, “F*ckmonkey!” at the idiotic drivers around me, I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Get a grip, Stephanie, I scolded myself. What’s the matter with you?  Then it...