by Stephanie | Mar 17, 2014 | family life, funny
Do you dread bedtime? Do your kids pull out every trick in the book– the drinks of water, trips to the bathroom, needing a better tuck, afraid of monsters, hungry, forgot Night-Night Bunny downstairs– and leave you longing for your couch and snack of...
by Stephanie | Jan 13, 2014 | family life, funny
Is your toddler an expert at prolonging bedtime? Do you teeter between amusement and irritation as the bedtime routine gets longer and longer and longer…? Both of my children are experts at bedtime stalling- my toddler’s latest technique in an impressive...
by Stephanie | Nov 21, 2013 | family life, motherhood
I try to make gratitude a daily practice. I am not a religious person, and I do not consider myself to be a “pray-er.” But every night before I go to bed, I reflect on the things I am grateful for and visualize what I’d like the following day to be...
by Stephanie | Sep 17, 2013 | family life, funny, parenting
Earlier this week, we had a rough night in the parent ‘hood, resulting in a disappointing five hours of sleep for Mommy. The next morning, I stumbled down the stairs in a stupor, attempted to insert an IV drip of Seattle’s Best Coffee, and started to cry when...
by Stephanie | Jun 24, 2013 | family life, funny
Aren’t kids great at prolonging bedtime? For not having complete control over their bodily functions, they certainly are masterminds of manipulation and cunning. I was shocked at how early my second daughter began honing her abilities to delay being put in her...