Hi all! Welcome to another enlightening weekly wrap-up!

On Monday, I made up for my writer’s remorse and wrote about A Day In the Life with my toddler. Read all about how I almost swallowed an earplug, got snubbed by another mom, and drank some wine at bathtime.

HerStories had another great week! We had a very moving essay from Dana up at School of Smock on Tuesday. Read A Friendship Mourned.

On Wednesday, my contribution was an Open Thank You Note to my friends for their many acts of kindness over the years. Such great comments from all of you thanking your friends- if you haven’t read through them, check them out. Thanks for such beautiful contributions, everyone!

Yesterday I co-hosted Finish the Sentence Friday and daydreamed about a Life on the Beach. I can’t describe it any further, or I will feel the need to cry some more and shake my fist at the atmosphere. I know the snow is good for the ground, I know, but…please be done!

In Real Life News, I had my first read through for the Listen To Your Mother Denver show last weekend. Holy Sh*t. It’s so good. Check out the other writers who are performing here: I am so humbled to be included in this fantastic group. If you live in Denver, you can buy tickets here– you won’t be sorry. This show is going to be amazing. If you live elsewhere, see if your city has a show. I guarantee that are all going to be wonderful.

Oh, and we went to Target. That was pretty awesome. Here is some photographic evidence of why it is better to go to the grocery store with my husband sometimes. I realize that is in direct contrast to my previous stance on shopping with the entire family, but what can I say? I’m a hypocrite.

Metallica Daddy and his two girly-girls

Metallica Daddy and his two girly-girls

What's cuter than a baby in a basket? Seriously.

What’s cuter than a baby in a basket? Seriously.

Hope your week didn’t suck- see you on Monday!