Wow- this has been a big week! First off, I have to thank you for your great ideas last week when I begged for some fun ideas to fill our long snow day without Daddy!

I would love to include all the great ideas you shared-but it is probably illegal for me to show your FB names on my blog post.

I would love to include all the great ideas you shared-but it is probably illegal for me to show your FB names on my blog post.

Here is what I did during my 13 hour snow day:

  • Baked muffins from scratch
  • Watched my kids play with 150 plastic cups
  • Watched movies and drank hot chocolate
  • Let my children eat wherever they wanted in the house
  • Changed my toddler’s diaper 12 times
  • Refilled my toddler’s sippy cup 18 times (directly linked to how many times I changed her diaper)
  • Touched both urine-soaked pajama bottoms and poop
  • Watched my toddler dip her ham in strawberry yogurt and then refuse to eat any lunch
  • Filled my “postpartum squeezie bottle that they gave me at the hospital to squirt water on my hoo-hoo” with colored water so my children could “paint” the snow.

Here is what I didn’t do during my 13 hour snow day:

  • Get dressed
  • Take a shower
  • Pick up any toys. Or food on the floor.

In other news, Izzy’s blog takeover was a big hit! She got so much positive feedback that we decided to make her interviews a monthly feature.

On Monday, she participated in the Monday Listicles by sharing 10 Things Izzy Bought With Her Own Money.

On Tuesday, she graciously accepted a blog award and responded to “tag” questions from Mommy’s fellow bloggers, in Interview With a Six Year Old Bloggess.

On Wednesday, she dished with Mommy about her feelings on sisterhood. She shared all, as well as performed several original compositions, in Being a Big Sister: The Good, The Bad, and The Disgusting.

On Friday, boring old Mommy was back to co-host Finish the Sentence Friday. This week’s sentence was: “Want to know what I think of social media? I think…” Virtually Authentic: Parenting In The Age of Social Media

Also on Friday, my post on Raising Sisters was featured on Mamapedia!

So, Friday was obviously a big day. Oh, and it was my brother’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Brian! To add one more layer, I became a published author on Friday as well! I was thrilled to become a contributing author to the unique anthology Anything Prose…And Poetry, Too!  This diverse new book, with 32 authors, launched yesterday. If you are in the market for some snowy day reading, (or you are related to me and feel obligated to support me) pick up the anthology for yourself on Amazon!

Get your copy right here!

Get your copy right here!

Teaser for next week: The theme for my next three posts is… Posts that I’m afraid you’re going to hate! Tell me you’re not dying to check that out!