Happy weekend, all! I am bracing myself for another snow day alone with my two girls while my husband goes in to help out the City. Guess I better dig out your suggestions from last time…or a big bottle of wine…or both.

Screen Shot 2013-03-09 at 9.07.48 AMIn case you missed anything, here is what I was up to in the virtual world last week. The theme for last week’s posts was: Posts that I’m afraid you’re going to hate. Enticing, no?

First, I vented my frustrations with I Am From Venus, Your Head Is Up Uranus: 6 Differences Between Men and Women. That went over like gangbusters. Stay tuned for my public apology to my husband.

Then I took the tone down quite a few notches and talked about how the death of my high school classmate impacted me with How Becoming a Parent Has Changed My Perception Of Loss.

Next I wasted far too much precious time making a cutesy graphic thing for my post, Paging Dr. Mom: How Parenthood Is Like Becoming a Doctor. I also pulled a bunch of stuff out of my hiney and speculated on what it would be like to actually train to become a doctor. Thanks, Grey’s Anatomy, for the inspiration.

I co-hosted Finish the Sentence Friday again yesterday and was a total slacker who recycled an old post to avoid writing about food on the heels of my food poisoning incident.

If you would like to hear me whine some more about my ear infection, partial deafness, and food poisoning, not to mention the inappropriate language I used (twice) at the doctor’s office, head on over and check out my post with The Epistolarians from this week.

I shared evidence of my household disorder on Mommy for real, Facebook page. (I know- you can follow me there, too, and enjoy all sorts of goodies like these!)

Oh, in other news, after writing an impassioned post months back about how I would not join Pinterest, I just joined Pinterest. Sue me. Or follow me here, but don’t expect anything very inspirational until I figure out what the heck I am doing.

And then…my book arrived in the mail!

Here I am, holding my very own copy that arrived this week!

Here I am, holding my very own copy that arrived this week!

Huge thanks to those of you who supported me by picking up a copy of the anthology I was published in, Anything Prose…and Poetry, Too! Oh, you didn’t hear about that yet? Of course you can still get a copy right here! (I promise, I am done talking about it now.)


Get your copy right here!

Get your copy right here!

Don’t want to miss another thrilling weekly wrap-up? Subscribe via email- it’s easy and the most reliable way to stay up to date with my latest posts. Fill in the box on my sidebar. Enjoy the weekend, and don’t forget to set your clocks ahead for Daylight Savings, every parent’s favorite time of year! I never thought I’d see the day, but I’m actually looking forward to it. I am beyond tired of both the kids waking up at 5:53 a.m. every day.

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