Well, after my blog sabbatical last week, I came back in full force! Jessica and I had been covertly working on our new project and website, The HerStories Project, which we unveiled on Wednesday.

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Our new project is an expansion of our friendship series, and will focus on early motherhood. We are calling it The HerStories Project: Finding Support, Staying Sane, and Reinventing Yourself During New Motherhood.


We are asking for your participation in whatever way possible! If you became a mother in the last 5 years, please take our survey– we will be using the results of this new motherhood survey as part of our project. We are still taking essay submissions for friendship stories, so please email us with your 500-1000 word essay submissions- herstoriesfriendshiptales@gmail.com

Catch up on my HerStories posts this week:
Baby Friends
Introducing The HerStories Project

And please check out our new website for more details- you can also follow HerStories on Facebook and Twitter. We are so grateful for your support and enthusiasm.

In other news, I had PMS and decided I would help you all out by complaining about it sharing some useful markers for Signs That You Might Have PMS. You’re welcome.

I wildly deviated from the Finish the Sentence Friday “If you were stuck on an island…” theme by sharing a story about how I became a hysterical lunatic when faced with a wasp. I also shared an extremely practical strategy for attacking hostile insects in Mommy Vs. The Wasp. Again, you’re welcome.

OurLandContributorButtonI was so thrilled and honored to guest post in my good friend Kristi’s blog series: Our Land. I would love it if you would read my post, A Place Where We Belong, and while you’re at it, catch up on Kristi’s blog, Finding Ninee. She writes about her life as the mom of a little boy who may have autism, and she draws hilarious pictures. Not to mention the fact that she is a truly gifted writer. If you’re not following her on FB and Twitter, there you go- I made it easy for you!

Hope you all had a fantastic week, and I want to sincerely thank you for being so supportive of this new venture and website. You guys are the best!

If I still had PMS, these tulips in the snow would probably have made me cry. Also, this was MAY FIRST.

If I still had PMS, these tulips in the snow would probably have made me cry. Also, this was MAY FIRST.