I am participating in my first ever Wordless Wednesday, thanks to Cyndi at Pictimilitude. She is an incredible photographer and wonderful blogger, and I am happy to be a part of this theme, the basic idea of which is that you let your photograph do the talking.

It’s me, though, so I have to do at least a little bit of talking. Last night I was ready for my kids to be in bed by, I don’t know, 5 p.m. They were both driving me crazy. I was so ready to be done with motherhood for the day. Then my six year old started crying about something that really upset her (story to come in the next few weeks) and my toddler became very concerned. She ran right over to her sister and gave her a big hug. The sight of the two of them hugging made all the crap I had dealt with that evening worthwhile.

It reminded me of this picture I took of Sophie kissing her big sister- watching them love each other is the most incredible gift.

Look at that puckered mouth!

Look at that puckered mouth!


In other news, the latest HerStories essay is featured on Jessica’s website, School of Smock. Vulnerable and Open to a New Life After Divorce is a beautiful essay by Kimberly Bither and will resonate with many women, whether or not you have experienced divorce. Please head over and check it out!


As always, we would love to read your stories of friendship! If you would like to submit an essay to HerStories, please contact us at herstoriesfriendshiptales@gmail.com We are collecting essays that are 500-1000 words approximately, as well as a short bio.