The Ebb and the Flow

Oh, you guys. This year has been a ride so far. In the good ways, in the bad ways . . . mostly right now I’m hung up on the bad ways. I’ve been a pretty terrible blogger these past few months, so please accept my apologies. And if you’ve missed me...

It Will (Probably) Get Easier

My family and I recently ran into an old friend at the grocery store, a man we hadn’t seen for nearly five years. As a stay-at-home dad to a toddler and a preschooler, it was pretty clear that he had his hands full (isn’t that a totally stupid thing people...

A Letter to My 50-Year-Old Self

Dear Me at Age 50, Hi there, it’s me, your 37-year-old self, circa 2016. Right about now, it’s 2029 and you’ve crossed the threshold of 50. If you’re still alive, that is (as you know I’m terribly neurotic and I’m knocking on wood...

Snapshot of a Four-Year-Old

I’ve been writing about my youngest daughter a lot this year. This is perhaps for several reasons, not the least of which is that writing about my nine-year-old feels trickier and trickier by the day. The waters have become murkier when it comes to boundaries,...

Does She Know?

Will this be the last year she believes? I think this over and over, as I did last year, crossing my fingers that we still have one more year. My oldest daughter at age nine is mature in some ways, innocent in others. She is empathetic, responsible, and intuitive and...
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