A Letter to the Daughter Who is Just Like Me

Dear Izzy, You are seven years old now. When I look back at your first grade school picture, I can’t believe how different you look. Some years we can see subtle changes when we line up your photos, but this year you almost look like a different girl. Your baby...

Glass Houses, Shoes, Pots, and Kettles

Once, in public, I saw somebody yelling at their child for misbehaving, and then making what was obviously an empty threat, should their writhing offspring fail to pull herself together. I exchanged glances with my husband, remarking under my breath that those parents...

Being Proud of a Second Marriage

Some choices are hard because we are torn between two options and the “right” outcome is not necessarily clear. We feel polarized because it is not obvious which path is the best one. With other choices, we know the answer in our deepest selves, we can...

From Little League to the Ivy League?

Today is our inaugural post in the Brilliant Book Club Series, our first of two posts on Hilary Levey Friedman’s Playing to Win. The Brilliant Book Club is a collaborative project among five bloggers: Lauren Apfel of Omnimom, Deb CG of Urban Moo Cow, Sarah...

Surviving A Rough Pregnancy

I have been thinking a lot about courage in preparation for this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday, in which we are to share the bravest thing we’ve ever done. I don’t consider “courage” to be one of my defining attributes- I’m kind...
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