Introducing HerStories: Tales of Friendship

I recently finished a remarkable book, She Matters: A Life in Friendships by Susanna Sonnenberg. As a writer and a woman who may be a bit obsessed with memorializing life events and people, this book ignited a spark inside me. As I devoured each chapter, I found...

Mommy Guilt: Party of One!

Welcome back to Finish The Sentence Friday (FTSF).  We give you a sentence and you finish it (however long or short you’d like). Write a post and link it up, or if you don’t blog, feel free to finish the sentence in the comments for everyone to see. This...

Minivans Are Not For Mocking

When I was about ten weeks pregnant with our second child, my husband and I decided it was time to look for another family car. Currently, I drove a 2005 Toyota Camry, a reliable vehicle perfectly suited for driving my 4 year old to and from preschool, but my husband...

Sophie’s Birthday: A Retrospective

Sweet Sophie Jane: September 29, 2011 Warning: what you are about to read is a “birth story.” You have my solemn vow that I will not be featuring pictures of my hmm-hmmm, nor will I provide graphic details about the baby crowning. That being said, it is still a story...
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