The Parade Charade

“Hello, I’m Jessica!” my six year old announced brightly, appearing at my side. I glanced up from the computer dubiously, where I was frantically trying to wrap up some online bill pay. “You and your husband are here at our hotel for vacation...

Launch Day: Are My Neuroses Showing?

Welcome to Mommy, for real’s beautiful brand-new website! With this, my maiden post, I am both welcoming you and humbly asking for your help. When an author writes a book, the release day is sometimes called Launch Day, and a gallant effort is made to get the...

Meet the Cast

For any readers that may be joining us for the first time, allow me to introduce myself and the family you will undoubtedly read about ad nauseum. My name is Stephanie, and I am the mother of two girls. Izzy is 6 and in first grade. She is extremely sensitive,...

Swan Song

Well, dear friends and readers, I have news. It’s good news, to be sure, but I am a sentimental sap and become overly attached to people and things, so it’s bittersweet for me.Mommy, for real is moving!This will be my last post on this website- effective...

The Human Toilet

One of the most embarrassing things I ever did was catch a handful of my toddler’s poop. In an outlet store. Near the shoe aisle. Nope, not in a public restroom, not in the privacy of our own home, but in a public shopping space in a store with which I was...
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