The Versatile Liebster

This has been a great week for my low morale! I have been fighting a cold all week, struggling to find balance and energy for my family, work, and blog, and then out of the blue, I got two awards! It was just the pick-me-up I needed. I received the Versatile Blogger...

The Stress-aholic Hits Bottom: Why I Hate Mornings

I have been pretty up front about the fact that I suck at mornings. I have written more than one blog post about the debacles that have occurred in the hour after we roll about of bed before we frantically peal out of the driveway. It’s not pretty. After I complain...

My Closet: Where Nursing Bras Go To Die

Today’s Monday Listicles topic is 10 Things In My Closet. At first I thought, Hmmm, what can I possibly do with this one? But once I got started, inspiration struck and I got really excited to see what everyone else comes up with this week. So my husband and I...

I Want My Mommy and Daddy!

Welcome back to Finish the Sentence Friday, where today’s prompt is: The last time I went on vacation… (Play along! Bloggers, link up, regular readers, jump in on the comments below!) The last time I went on vacation, I realized that I never want to go on...
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