I know it is a very fine line between sharing and bragging, but as a fairly small-time blogger, I had my best blog week ever!

A photographic example of our miserable dinner with a toddler on Mother's Day. Taken during the five minutes I was spared the experience of sitting next to her.

A photographic example of our miserable dinner with a toddler on Mother’s Day. Taken during the five minutes I was spared the experience of sitting next to her.



On Sunday night I wrote a little ditty about how excruciating interesting it is celebrating Mother’s Day at a restaurant with one’s young children. I called it The Mother’s Day Blues, put it on YouTube, and wrote a post about it. Instead of linking to the post, I’ll save you some time and put it right here:




I was so touched and surprised at how much you guys shared it- it was my most shared post to date on Facebook and Twitter! Wow! Thank you guys so much!

Then I wrote a post called What I’d Like To Tell My Childless Friends…But Won’t. It was intended to be funny, originally, then turned out to be slightly depressing, but ultimately it was meant to be a reflection on whether it is helpful or condescending to tell our friends without kids what they have to look forward to when they start a family.

Then my good friend Jessica shared it on Reddit, a social media site I had never heard of, and it got over 4000 views! (For anyone not well-versed in blog stats, that is about 20 times more traffic than I get on a good day.) That pretty much made my week.

Then I continued to dispense my unsolicited advice by writing a post about Things I’d Like To Tell My Six Year Old Daughter And Her Friends.

Oh, and I wrote a slightly profane (read: anti-swearers, steer clear) post for The Epistolarians about how I may be too nice, given my tendency not to complain about services in an effort to make others feel comfortable.
Read Nice Girls Always Finish Last. (If you dare.)

HSProject Large Button Collage

The HerStories Project featured a friendship essay by Allison of Go Dansker Mom about social media and friendship. Read her post here.

Jessica wrote an incredible post for HerStories called Reassessing Happiness Research: Are New Parents Really That Miserable? for the Carnival of Evidence-Based Parenting.


We will continue to feature friendship essays and introduce new experts in the next few weeks. If you are interested in taking our new motherhood survey, visit our website for more information!

Also, this may be my last weekly wrap-up post for awhile. I’m sure you may be devastated relieved to hear this. Summer is fast approaching, and I will probably decrease my posts to 2, maybe 3 a week, in an effort to spend more of my spare time at the pool, working out to fit into my swimsuit to go to the pool, and washing my toddler’s training pants. I’ll step up my game again near the end of summer… (*Disclaimer- I reserve the right to change my mind and resume the wrap-ups at any point. Maybe even next week.)

Have a fantastic weekend, and thanks for being so supportive, encouraging, and awesome.