Listen to Your Mother...and other writing

Write Something

Write Something

It's written every single week in my planner. Maybe not the first thing in the "work to-do" list column. That's reserved for something really pressing, something that might actually contribute to my income or have significant impact on a legitimate responsibility....

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Beginnings, But Mostly Endings

Beginnings, But Mostly Endings

"Hi, Mama," my 6th grader says as I walk up behind her. It's Field Day, and she's sitting with a group of her 12-year-old friends. Mama. She says it casually, naturally, just as when we are home, both she and her six-year-old sister alternate between calling me Mommy...

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ONEHOPE Wine + A Precious Child

ONEHOPE Wine + A Precious Child

Thank you all SO much for coming out for LTYM Boulder 2018 and supporting us for another packed house evening of memorable storytelling! We can't wait to share photos of the show with you later this week! Our sponsor party before the show was also a fantastic time,...

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