Being Proud of a Second Marriage

Some choices are hard because we are torn between two options and the “right” outcome is not necessarily clear. We feel polarized because it is not obvious which path is the best one. With other choices, we know the answer in our deepest selves, we can...

From Little League to the Ivy League?

Today is our inaugural post in the Brilliant Book Club Series, our first of two posts on Hilary Levey Friedman’s Playing to Win. The Brilliant Book Club is a collaborative project among five bloggers: Lauren Apfel of Omnimom, Deb CG of Urban Moo Cow, Sarah...

Maintaining Mommy’s Poker Face

I deserve a medal for the time I kept a straight face while uttering the following sentence, We do not put our labias on the rug. Yes. I authoritatively declared that in our family, it officially goes against code to put our collective private parts on carpets of any...

My Rose-Tinted Sunglasses

A few days ago in Colorado, the temperatures were still well above 90, and it definitely still felt like summer. Today, it is a cool 60 degrees, and it has been pouring rain for several days nonstop. In fact, several of my close friends have just been given orders to...
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