*This is a Finish the Sentence Friday post.
Has anyone ever asked you, “If you could eat dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?”
Yeah, if anyone ever seriously gave me the opportunity to dine with a celebrity, I would have to respectfully decline.
It’s not just the fact that I seem to have lost so many brain cells (I forgot my guitar today- I teach music classes.) that I am afraid I would be an embarrassing conversationalist.
It’s not just the fact that I am too indecisive to pick a celebrity.
It’s not just the fact that I often feel insecure about my ability to participate in intellectually stimulating dialogue about politically and socially relevant topics.
I just don’t have the frickin’ time.
Sorry, Oprah, but my dance card is full. I often wonder if it is foolish of me to attempt to make new friends. When do I even have the time to see some of my favorite people in the world? Not to mention my overwhelming mommy guilt about how many “hall passes” I get per month to go out to dinner with these aforementioned favorite people.
If I was given a “hall pass” (OK, this expression kind of sucks. I’m an adult, dammit! But you get the idea.) to go out to dinner with someone I admired whose brain I wanted to pick, here is who I would choose.
- My mom. We would trade bites of each other’s impeccably selected entrees, drink wine, and laugh until people stared at us.
- My BFF who makes me remember that I am more than just a mommy. More drinking wine. More laughing.
- My husband. We’d go to my favorite Indian restaurant and drink chai tea while I tell him for the hundredth time that Chicken Korma is my favorite food- EVER. He nods patiently.
- My friend and childcare guru Teresa (go read about her- do it now.) who never ceases to inspire me with her wisdom about life, children, and parenting. While I’m at it, let’s close the circle of wise women with Teresa’s and my mentor Patti, the most amazing woman I know who is currently fighting breast cancer with courage and determination.
- My brother. When the hell was the last time the two of us got to share a meal together without anyone else? I literally have no idea. (OK, now I want to cry.)
- My mama friend who understands all my frustrations and challenges, who makes me feel normal and un-monster-like. (Editor?)
- If all else fails, I’d rather eat by myself.
Get the picture? Who needs a celebrity, someone the media has told us has more answers than we do, is more successful, more important, or more interesting than our friends and family members? I’ll take a quiet dinner on the couch, eating takeout food with my husband after the kids have gone to bed, any day of the week.
Your FTSF hosts:
Janine from Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?
Dawn from Dawn’s Disaster
- Follow Your Hosts, If You Like, and Anyone Else You Find On the List!
- Make Sure to Read and Comment on at Least Two Other Posts.
- Share Your Favorites on Facebook and/or Twitter Using the Hashtag #FTSF.
- Link Up Your Posts Below with This Week’s Sentence Prompt.
- Hop around and have fun!
Next week’s sentence is: “A typical day in my life looks like…”
You are so right! In the fantasy world of a busy adult sometimes the things we hope for are things that used to be “normal.” Taking a shower without my daughter beating the door and screaming “MAMA!” or walking into a store without a seat cover and at least two bags would be at the top of my list.
Amen to that!
Stephanie, I love how you choose those closest to you and seriously just wonderful. I think you are so right and I had a hard time with this one and decided upon JK Rowling, because seriously couldn’t stomach dining with anyone Hollywood type famous. But loved your answer so vey much!! 🙂
JK Rowling is a great choice!
I gotta say, even though I picked not one, but FIVE celebrities (you’ll see why), I couldn’t agree with your picks more. I too would dine with many of the same people you listed, including my mom (best listener and smartest woman I know), my brother (makes me laugh A LOT), my BFFs, and yes, of course my husband, who I don’t get enough date nights with…thanks for keeping it real! 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this Emily! Can’t wait to read yours!
I love this!! Especially the mom one. My mom passed away a little over a year ago and I would give anything to have a meal with her again. Anything
Oh, that brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for that perspective.
I truly understand that! And I really enjoy having dinner by myself sometimes. It’s just a break to be able to relax and let someone wait on you without having to keep up a conversation. Friends and family are certainly more important than celebrities!
Yes- it is a great break! Glad you linked up with us!
I LOVED the way you answered this question! I guess if I really think about it, I’m more inclined to want to eat by myself too. Mostly, it’s so there’s no judging of what I’m eating, but also because I often enjoy the alone time.
Plus, you know eating with a celebrity would entail going to a high end place where the lunch is $100 and you leave still starving.
I’m glad you have a great support system!
Oh, yeah, the judging of my food selection would be another deterrent. Good point.
“…tho, mitha cathenayda,
were yyy pphtrending to be don houan (oh man, didn’t mean to hit you with those bread crumbs)”
(hey, writing ‘mouthful-of-food patois’ ain’t as easy as it sounds!)
My choice of celebrity* for your Post** would be Carlos Castenada***
* if I were writing a Post for this FTSF
** am trying to answer each with a sentence finisher…er Cyndi is doing a Guest Post at the Doctrine (speaking of ‘hey I knew her when she was just starting out!’)
*** no one said if our dinner partner had to be actually alive or not… however if they are dead celebs it will certainly breathe life into the obvious Waiter joke.
Your loyalty to Cyndi is well-deserved, and I do not fault you for ditching us today. Truth be told, you are pretty damn loyal to us as well. I will definitely check out her post!
Great answer! It might be stressful and exhausting to meet an actual celebrity. You made me think about all the people that I never get to eat a meal with ALONE anymore. It’s a pretty long list!
Super impressed, honestly. See, I wouldn’t be able to choose among ALL of the choices I would have! Do I go Ryan Gosling? Or Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner? Oprah? It would be too hard to decide! 😉
I would actually love to read a post written by you on this subject!
I would actually just rather eat by myself as a first choice. Such a treat when you’re a mother of young children, right? No one else’s needs or temperaments to consult… I could wear white, and probably NOT spill or drop anything on myself… And not talk, at all, throughout the whole meal.
I love that you are the host of a topic you didn’t want to answer 🙂 And that you told Oprah to basically bug off. But I think it is awesome who you would want to have dinner with, especially if a child wasn’t on your lap. I hope you get some time to make it happen!
I’d totally rather dine with JT than my husband or mother…but that’s because I do that a lot already! Generally with the kiddos, but the Hubs and I get a lot of time a lone at night now…and my mom and I get time alone when I go work for my dad (it’s a home office)…
So, if you had time to have dinner with all the people mentioned above, and were FORCED in the worst way possible to have to eat with a celebrity, who would you choose?
I totally agree with you! I would get so much more enjoyment out of having spent time with someone that means so much to me than a cardboard cut out of a human like a celebrity. Wonderful answers!
This is a great idea! I love it! Hey, just wanted to let you know I have an award for you–swing by my site and grab it! Congrats!
Aww, this is sweet! What a great post. Love it. Have to tweet it.
The comment was actually to hang out with, not to dine with, but either way, if it were possible to go back in time, I’d love to be able to hang out OR share a meal with my maternal grandparents again. They both passed when I was young, and I have soooooooooo many questions. Would love that extra time with them. 🙁 #FTSF
As always, you are brilliant. I couldn’t think of a celebrity I really care about meeting, either. Oprah’s gonna be bummed that your dance card is full one day though.
Great post! You are so lucky to have your favorite people all around you! My family in Chile have all passed away, I’m the only one left, and the people I live with are not so supportive as to make the best choice. So I chose somebody I admire whose artistic work I love and who has given me endless satisfaction and company, … except that he himself isn’t with us anymore! His legacy is very powerful, though! Maybe that’s for the best. So have a good day and see you on the next hop!
Way to make the rest of us feel like superficial idiots cause we wanna hang out with mega stars! 🙂 LOL I am JUST kidding! This was a great post, and I love it. I love learning more about you and realizing all mommies have mommy brain. I want to learn how to play the guitar!
Yep, pretty sure it was just laziness rather than superb ideals! 😉 But thanks!
Having met many a celebrity during my stand up career, you’d be surprised to find out either how boring or full of themselves many of them are. Still, some are pretty normal. I do recommend keeping your inner circle completely filled with your family and true friends. That way, when popularity wanes (as it usually does) you’re not devastated when no one calls. You’ve a good head on your shoulders. Great job!
I love that you chose the important people in your life. And I love that you told Oprah your dance card is full. That’s right Oprah – “Ain’t nobody got time for dat!” 😉
“I often feel insecure about my ability to participate in intellectually stimulating dialogue about politically and socially relevant topics.” Oh, man, do I understand *that* feeling. When I was dating my husband, who was still a graduate student at the time, I always felt like the dumbest person at the table when we got together with his other graduate student, politically and socially informed friends. Actually, I still feel that way around them. Blech. 😉
Oh thank God it isn’t just me! I think I say that a lot around you… 🙂