I swore off writing weekly wrap-ups this summer, but this week was a doozy, so I’m going back on my word. (I did of course include a disclaimer earlier, allowing myself a loophole should I choose to do a wrap-up. I digress.)

Summer has been slow in my blogging world, which is definitely a good thing: I’m trying to find a little more family-self-blog balance, and I’ve been posting less. But as I said, this week was chock-full, so here’s a brief rundown.

I started my week with 10 Things That Took Awhile To Come Back After My Baby Was Born. Pretty much speaks for itself.

Then I joined the Around The World In Six Weeks Parenting Blog Carnival; along with several other bloggers, we are reading Christine Gross-Loh’s book, Parenting Without Borders: Surprising Lessons Parents Around The World Can Teach Us. Each week we are writing posts that pertain to specific chapters of the book; last week the topic was eating habits and nutrition. Read my post, Feeding My American Family: The Path of Least Resistance, which includes links to the other posts from the week.

If you are interested in joining us for any of the remaining four weeks, please leave me a message in the comments or via the Contact Me page, and I will be happy to include you! Our topic for this Tuesday is the chapter of the book that discusses self-esteem.

On Thursday I learned that the Listen To Your Mother You Tube Channel is live! You can watch my performance from the Denver show here: The Guilt, The Crippling Mommy Guilt!

Also on Thursday I wrote a post for The HerStories Project about how I am searching for my parenting tribe: Still Looking For My “People”

For Finish the Sentence Friday, I wrote about My Do-Again List.

Also on Friday, Families in the Loop shared a post I wrote about 10 Tips I would give my daughter and her friends, if they would listen. (You may recall similar musings from a few months ago!)

Next week: I will be featuring a guest post on Monday from one of the WhatToExpect.Com writers, then I will be joining the Around the World Carnival on Tuesday, and next week’s FTSF topic is, “When I was in church, I learned…” (*Please feel free to jump in on this, even if you are not a church-goer. I myself am not. You can also insert “place of worship” or other clever twist)

In other news, I turn 35 on Tuesday, so brace yourself for a forthcoming post filled with deep existential angst.

Other highlights from The Blogosphere this week: 
Rachel from The Tao of Poop shared some of the best parenting advice I’ve ever read here
Jessica from School of Smock shared her mixed feelings about whether to have a second child here
Nothing By The Book wrote a powerful post about recovering from the Calgary flood here
Jamie Krug was featured on The HerStories Project with a terrific friendship essay here
Kristi from Finding Ninee had another brilliant guest post in the Our Land Series here
ate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine had one of my favorite FTSF posts here

Should you find yourself laid up or with five hours of time on your hands for nothing but reading, you are all set thanks to this handy wrap-up! See you next week!