It’s Finish the Sentence Friday again, and it’s one of those sentences that, for me, inspires writer’s block.

If I could have dinner with anyone in history, it would be…

Cue crickets and tumbleweed.

So, the prospect of coming up with a historical figure that would make me sound intelligent, or perhaps clever, or maybe even paint me as a person possessing higher than average principles and values made me nauseous. I needed to come up with an inspiring person who would cause readers to nod their heads, shout “Yes!” or maybe even do the slow-clap.

Yeah. Not so much.

I have no idea why I feel so awkward about deciding on a stupid person in history I would like to dine with. As you may remember, I totally blew off the “What celebrity would you like to meet?” question for this same reason.

And I think it boils down to this- I feel self-conscious about my ideas. Perhaps I will even go so far as to state, “I question whether or not I have good ideas.”

JungI bet you know where I’m going with this. You probably have assumed that I’m going to say I’d like to have dinner with Dr. Sigmund Freud, so he can analyze me and figure out why I am so neurotic.

Not exactly. See, I’m more of a Jungian myself. The philosophy and practice of Carl Jung has always been more up my alley; I find him, and his many contributions to the field, to be fascinating. Jung explored the unconscious mind, notably the “collective unconscious”, archetypes, dream analysis, and even the beginning of the introverted and extraverted personality types, and you know I am obsessed with personality type.

There you have it. If you thought I’d go a bit more in depth with my discussion of Jung, get real, I’m on vacation! Google him. He’s on Wikipedia. But as a person who is so clearly obsessed with self-analysis, analysis of others, personality type, and psychological exploration in general, I would adore the opportunity to have a probing conversation with Carl Jung over a glass of Pinot Noir.

So why did I title this post Paging Dr. Freud? It’s funnier. Paging Carl Jung? Not so much. Confusion would ensue.

As I have repeatedly mentioned, I am off the radar on a family vaca, and this post was pre-scheduled. Forgive me for shirking my duties as a FTSF co-host and stopping by to comment on your posts, which I’m quite certain are far superior to this one. The brilliant Katia of IAMTHEMILK is hopping in to help out as a co-hostess this week, so go show her some love. She’s awesome. Until next week…



Welcome Back to Finish the Sentence Friday!

Your hosts:

Me from Mommy, for Real

Janine from Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic

Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine?

Dawn from Dawn’s Disaster

Special guest host this week!


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  • Hop around and have fun!
  • Next week’s sentence is: “The best 4th of July I ever had was…”
Finish the Sentence Friday