I am so excited to be sharing a post at Scary Mommy today! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, The “Terrible Twos” have nothing on three. Life with three-year-olds is never boring; my post shares a series of memorable moments with my own threenager. Here’s an excerpt:


Her face is beet red, and her tiny body is wracked with sobs. My daughter flings herself to the floor of the department store changing room in an angry protest. Her grandmother is about to buy her a special dress, but my child is filled with rage because she wanted three dresses. Yes, even the one she claimed didn’t “spin right,” and the one she refused to even try on. Inferior as they may have been, she wanted to bring home allthedresses. So instead of saying “thank you!” to Grammy, she bawls and rages on the filthy dressing room floor.

She’s not an asshole; she’s just a 3-year-old.


I hope you’ll stop by and read the full post here.