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Meet Your LTYM Boulder Producers

Stephanie Sprenger

Stephanie Sprenger is a writer, producer, music therapist, and mother of two daughters. Her work has been published in O Magazine, The Washington Post, Brain, Child Magazine,,, the Huffington Post, Mutha Magazine, the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and Scary Mommy, among other places, and she (infrequently) blogs about the imperfect reality of motherhood at Mommy, for Real. She is also co-editor of The HerStories Project, a writing and publishing community for women at midlife and co-hosts the Mother Plus Podcast. Stephanie lives for sunny weekends and Disney vacations, and in between those moments, she fuels herself with coffee, creating, singing, a driveway happy hour with her besties, and inside jokes and snuggles from her eleven- and sixteen-year-old daughters.


Megan Vos

Megan Vos is a writer, producer, educator, and mom who lives in South Boulder. This year, she has returned to the classroom part-time, after eleven years as a mostly stay-at-home mom, as the Enrichment Coordinator at her kids’ elementary school. She loves sunny hikes, a good latte, watching The Great British Baking Show with her daughters, and sitting on her deck with her partner. Megan’s writing has been published in Motherscope, Kindred, Motherwell, and Journal of Expressive Writing.

Have questions or want to get in touch? Email us at ltymboulder @