2012: A Sleepy Year

Another Monday morning…time for a Monday Listicles link up! 10 Things I Learned in 2012, suggested by Kerstin.1. Sleep rules all. One never fully understands how important sleep is to be a fully functioning human being, until one has become officially...

Parenting Surprise #246

Before one becomes a parent, it is difficult to fully comprehend how your life is about to change. Some of these changes seem obvious, and upon reflecting on them after entering parenthood, are not that big of a shock: It is now much more difficult to travel, run...

Taking Our Time

On Mondays I bring my toddler along to work with me; she attends my music class for one year olds, and then I drop her off at the on-site childcare facility while I teach for another hour. She has some snacks, gets a little social interaction and some novel toy...

The Demise of the Fist Pump

A few weeks ago I taught my one year old daughter the sign for “milk” in an effort to get her to stop tugging on my shirt and whining when she wanted to nurse. The sign, which basically involves moving your fist up and down to mime milking a cow, somehow seemed more...

Is There Anybody Out There?

I have been thinking lately about why motherhood is such an isolating experience. I mean, millions of other women all around the world are doing exactly what I am doing- mothering- right at this moment. I have dozens of friends with children, and I would not consider...
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