Wrapping Up December With a Nice Red Bow

There are two months of the year that nearly kill me- May and December. Every time they roll around, I am blindsided by how busy we are. I hate that. A long time ago, when I was just coming to terms with my temperament and susceptibility to overstimulation, I remember...

On Having It All

If I had a magic wand, the first thing I would do is add about four more hours onto every day. Here is my stipulation, though: these four hours would be mine and mine alone. I would spend them without anybody else around me, most significantly, my family members. A...

Why I Can’t Wait for the Next Blogging Conference

My bucket list includes becoming a published writer, so I thought it would be a good idea to attend BlogHer ’13 in Chicago this year. I had some reservations, as it is somewhat expensive what with the flight and hotel, and I worried that I would feel overwhelmed...

Mid-Week Wrap-Up

I’m pretty sure nobody does mid-week wrap-ups, but in case you didn’t know, I am all about setting new trends. (*Boldface lie- I am a total sheep.) However, I wanted to direct you to a few exciting things this week! First of all, I wrote a post for The...

How To Make The End of BlogHer 13 Suck Even More

How do you make the post-blogging-conference letdown even more painful? Simple. Your flight home gets cancelled, and you spend the entire day at the airport. The morning after BlogHer 13 ended, I arrived at Chicago O’Hare promptly, breezed through check-in and...
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