Finding Empathy for Moms

As a music therapist, I’ve been teaching early childhood parent-child music classes for nearly 14 years. I’ve always loved it, but when I had children of my own, my practice began to take on another dimension. I suddenly realized that the mothers who...

Self Promotion Feels Icky

Does it look different around here? In the past few days, my website got more than a little facelift—it got a complete overhaul. I’ve been mulling it over for months, and thanks to my incredibly talented blog guru and design genius Julie DeNeen of Fabulous...

Dear Stay-at-Home Moms, Go Ahead and Complain

I recently read a very interesting article titled, “Dear Stay at Home Moms: Shut the Eff Up.” Let me preface this by saying that I agree with so many of the author’s points; her article was extremely well-written, and I really like and respect this...

Struggling To Stay Present

Tomorrow is the last day of school for my second grader, and the official start of summer vacation. You might remember that a few  months ago I announced that I was going to try to scale things back here at Mommy, for Real, in an effort to hold onto my sanity. One of...

The Shadow of the Too-Good Mother: A Book Review

As a writer, avid reader, and mother of two young girls, I often feel like I am drowning in information about parenting- the latest research, new techniques, ideas for crafts, meals, games. As Sarah Millar’s recent article in the New Yorker humorously sums up,...
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