The Importance of Family Rituals

My favorite memories from childhood almost always involve some beloved ritual or tradition. As a slightly anxious, non-thrill-seeking child, the types of experiences that stirred me were ones that, while perhaps sprinkled with a bit of magic and mystery, were firmly...

Where Gratitude Meets Reality Revisited

I try to make gratitude a daily practice. I am not a religious person, and I do not consider myself to be a “pray-er.” But every night before I go to bed, I reflect on the things I am grateful for and visualize what I’d like the following day to be...

StoryTots: A Review and a Giveaway!

I’m sure I’m not the only parent who is shocked  that the holiday season is upon us; is anyone else getting a headache imagining the piles and piles of junk that will soon find their way into our homes via Christmas stockings, well-intentioned...

Why I Always Wear Cat Ears on Halloween

I have always loved Halloween. Sure, it was great to be a kid, trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, collecting candy with my friends, and carefully selecting my costume each year. But it was even better when I was in my 20s. That’s when I found my...

The 4th of July- What Are You Wearing?

The 4th of July has always kind of been a big deal to me, ever since I was a small child. My mom and I both have the tendency to become attached to traditions, and holidays in general become major productions for us both. Being a nostalgia junkie, as I have repeatedly...
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