How To Make The End of BlogHer 13 Suck Even More

How do you make the post-blogging-conference letdown even more painful? Simple. Your flight home gets cancelled, and you spend the entire day at the airport. The morning after BlogHer 13 ended, I arrived at Chicago O’Hare promptly, breezed through check-in and...

How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

My 20 month old daughter, splayed out on the sidewalk, carefully rested her head on the pavement and forcefully announced, “Fit!” “Oh, you need to have a fit,” I observed. “Go ahead. Let me know when you’re all done.” It...

Helping Our Kids Cope with Disappointment

My six year old ran past my bedroom, slammed her own door shut, and began loudly sobbing. I sighed. Though I suspected her outburst had something to do with the elaborate days-of-the-week-themed chart for family fun she had just created (Think: Monday Fun Day, Friday...

Mommies Should Not Get PMS

As I drove to work this morning, inexplicably crying and angrily shouting, “F*ckmonkey!” at the idiotic drivers around me, I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Get a grip, Stephanie, I scolded myself. What’s the matter with you?  Then it...
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