by Stephanie | Apr 18, 2013 | family life, funny, motherhood
This is a Finish the Sentence Friday Post. I thought I was so cool when I told everyone how easy it was to potty-train my oldest daughter. And it was- for the most part. Sure, we had our public pooping incident, which just so happened to be my most embarrassing and...
by Stephanie | Feb 10, 2013 | family life, funny
Toddlers get a bad rap sometimes, for obvious reasons. Their casual disdain for avoiding public humiliation, the way they suddenly morph into a screaming, clingy demon with an insatiable urge to be attached to your pantleg the moment you open the refrigerator to begin...
by Stephanie | Jan 10, 2013 | family life, funny, motherhood, Uncategorized
One of the most embarrassing things I ever did was catch a handful of my toddler’s poop. In an outlet store. Near the shoe aisle. Nope, not in a public restroom, not in the privacy of our own home, but in a public shopping space in a store with which I was...