Mean Mommy

This morning I awoke completely disoriented at 5:30 a.m., and realized I had miraculously slept all night long! I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept for more than six hours, or more than four for that matter … perhaps my second trimester of pregnancy? At...

Your Turn to Freak Out

You may think I am referring to children taking turns having tantrums or behaving poorly, but you would be wrong. In my experience, it is always open season when it comes to kids freaking out. The idea of courteous turn-taking being applied to siblings in crisis is...

Motherhood…Livin’ the Dream!

When my daughter was two years old, my brother gave me a hilarious birthday card that featured a disheveled, tired looking woman soaking her feet in a child’s wading pool while surrounded by screeching children. She had a “whatcha gonna do?” smile on her face, and the...

A Birthday Tribute to My Eldest Child

On the evening before my daughter’s sixth birthday, I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. Not two minutes later, she called to me, “Mooommyyyy!!!” With a sigh, I returned to her bedroom to see what ridiculous excuse she had dreamed up. “We forgot to order my...

The Brave, Yet Complicated, Mother and Daughter

As my daughter approaches six years old, I have been chagrined at the continuing sass, whining, and uncooperative behavior we encounter from her daily. Trips out in public often end badly, with her begging for treats or toys or complaining about some perceived...
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