Mommies Should Not Get PMS

As I drove to work this morning, inexplicably crying and angrily shouting, “F*ckmonkey!” at the idiotic drivers around me, I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Get a grip, Stephanie, I scolded myself. What’s the matter with you?  Then it...

Awesome Stuff On My Fridge: Holiday Edition

This past Thanksgiving, our daughter completed one of her infamous On Demand craft channel-guided holiday projects and drew a turkey. As I have mentioned before, participating in these crafts with her gives me the cold-sweats, so I sat this one out.Apparently she...

Bedtime Stories That Suck

Yesterday my six year old daughter brought home two library books from school. We normally reserve our family story time for right before bed, and we settled onto the couch, Izzy and I in our pajamas, to read her stories.The first one was called “Ghost...

Awesome Stuff On My Fridge #2

Here is today’s segment of Awesome Stuff On My Fridge: a special window into the life of our family, generally featuring our spunky 1st grader. At our daughter’s elementary school, four students from each class are nominated monthly to be CARE winners. The...

The Awkward Blogger

I began blogging in June 2012. As I started my blog, Mommy, for real, I simultaneously read several books and numerous articles about blogging, particularly those featuring “mommy bloggers.” Over and over it was made clear that the way to have a successful readership...
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