I Want My Mommy and Daddy!

Welcome back to Finish the Sentence Friday, where today’s prompt is: The last time I went on vacation… (Play along! Bloggers, link up, regular readers, jump in on the comments below!) The last time I went on vacation, I realized that I never want to go on...

The Human Toilet

One of the most embarrassing things I ever did was catch a handful of my toddler’s poop. In an outlet store. Near the shoe aisle. Nope, not in a public restroom, not in the privacy of our own home, but in a public shopping space in a store with which I was...

Gratitude for Grandparents

 Just three more days until The Cavalry arrives, aka, Grammy and Papa. I’m sure not everyone feels this way about an impending visit from their parents, but I am filled with nothing but joy and relief whenever they come to stay with us. We have been very lucky;...
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