I felt inspired this Mother’s Day to record a special song for you guys. Blame it on our attempt to celebrate the weekend by dining in public with our children. I know- what were we thinking? This song is for all you mamas who enjoyed your special day by trying to prevent your children from squirting ketchup into your bra.  May I present: The Mother’s Day Blues:

Please forgive the sub-par guitar accompaniment; I had approximately five minutes alone to practice it. I hope it brightens your holiday- feel free to share with all your frazzled mama friends!

This post is in lieu of my usual weekly wrap-up, so here goes:

This week I wrote about how my daughter always comes up with big ideas right before bed (tonight it was a Mother’s Day nail salon- for real.) and how I feel like a jerk for crashing her plans: Helping Our Kids Cope with Disappointment

Then I wrote about how I was lazy about losing my baby weight, due to my fondness for cookies and ice cream: Why I Took My Time Losing My Baby Weight

I was thrilled to join the Mile High Mamas during their month of Mother’s Day celebration, and shared how I feel like an Un-Fun Mommy.

I wrote about my amazing experience as part of the Listen To Your Mother Denver cast this past Tuesday. Everything went perfectly on the big night: read all about it.

The HerStories Project had two new posts this week: our first friendship essay on the new website, by the talented Nina Badzin. Read The Case for a Friendship Break. We also introduced our first expert, child development specialist and parenting coach, Patience Bleskan. Read our interview with Patience.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mamas! I will leave you with my wish for all of you today:

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