Hi all! In case you missed what I was up to this week, here’s a recap!

I returned from my kid-free weekend getaway, bid farewell to my parents, and complained about my ear infection. The Kid-free Weekend and the Inevitable Reentry to Life

By the way, I still can’t hear out of my left ear.

I shared my earliest memories of childhood and speculated about what my girls’ first memories will be. Oh, and I shared some photos of me and my brother circa 1980. What Will She Remember?

I co-hosted Finish the Sentence Friday and shared the news that my six year old has been spying on me and is in fact writing a blog about me. My Daughter’s Blog: A Taste of My Own Medicine

And, most importantly, I announced that Izzy will be taking over my blog next week from Monday to Friday! Be sure to stop by as she participates in the Monday Listicles, doles out awards, answers revealing questions, and generally wreaks havoc when given creative liberty.

Have a fantastic weekend! I wish you pleasant weather, a cereal-free kitchen floor, conversational privacy, and the ability to hear out of both ears.

Brace yourselves!

Brace yourselves!

Izzy will see you on Monday!