Hey friends! This will be the shortest weekly wrap-up ever, for two reasons. 1- You have way more important stuff to do. 2. This was kind of my “blog break” week; I prescheduled my posts, didn’t read or comment on blogs this week, and crossed my fingers that you wouldn’t hate me and trust that I will be faithfully reading your posts again next week.
I took a blog vacation so I could have a bit of a breather and work on some other projects… read on to discover more.
HerStories: On Monday, one of my favorite bloggers EVER, Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine, shared a fantastic essay about her friendship with her sister, along with some great photos. Read My Sister, My Friend.
HerStories will be making a pretty big announcement on Wednesday- my post on Monday will delve a little deeper into that, but I’m happy we don’t have long to wait before we spill it, because I’m terrible at keeping secrets. Terrible. (If you have one, you should definitely still tell me.) Stay tuned!
On Tuesday I had the honor of guest posting with the eloquent Meredith of The Mom of the Year. I got to toss my hat into the ring with her guest post series, Why I Am The Mom of the Year.
I came back to the blogosphere briefly to co-host Finish the Sentence Friday and brag about my first grader’s school writing project. Seriously, it’s adorable and you don’t want to miss it. Read Like Mother, Like Daughter.
See? Super short, as promised. No go enjoy your weekend!
I’m glad you posted the “slightly unnecessary” photo! It’s so cute!
There is NEVER a slightly unnecessary photo of adorable kids. NEVER.
Ooooh secret spillage! Do I already know?! 🙂 🙂
Um….maybe! 😉