Last week I wrote a post about raising emotionally intelligent children. It got me thinking quite a bit about the vast array of feelings my children express, even as early as toddlerhood. I am going to upcycle the photo collage I used for that post in order to link up with Memories Captured, hosted by Galit of These Little Waves and Alison of Wishing, Writing.

I have always been blown away by the fact that a simple facial expression can convey so much meaning, especially when you are a child and wear your heart, well, on your face. And pretty much everywhere else.

One of the things that jumped out as me as I pored over pictures of my daughter “expressing herself” was the fact that I could remember every single moment captured in the photos, simply by studying the look on her face. An ice cream cone at the zoo with Mommy. A terrifying first ride on a mechanical pony. The first ever manicure. A coveted treat left in the stocking by Santa. An announcement that it wasn’t quite time for birthday cake. The solemn discovery of a roly-poly in the garden.

I am planning to write a follow-up post to How To Raise Emotionally Healthy Children sometime in the next month, as the subject is just too immense for one post. In the meantime, here are some of the most notable emotions I could capture, as illustrated by my daughter.

Emotions Collage


Stop by the Memories Captured link-up and see the incredible photos being featured,
or share a post of your own!
