Partners in Crime? Having Kids 5 Years Apart

When I was in church as a kid, I learned how to laugh uncontrollably while miraculously avoiding detection and making absolutely no sound. I also learned how to discreetly pass notes and share private jokes while others around me were blissfully getting their worship...

Is Your Child In the Gifted Program?

Welcome back to the Around the World in Six Weeks Parenting Blog Carnival! Over the next several weeks, Deb of Urban Moo Cow, Jessica of School of Smock, Lauren of Omnimom, Sarah of Left Brain Budda, and I will be writing about our reactions to Christine...

Sticking Up For My kid

I am excited to feature a guest post today from Nicole Yontz, a contributing writer for Have you ever felt compelled to come to your kid’s rescue?  Before I had my 3-year-old Audrey, I wasn’t really a kid person. I wasn’t anti-kid; they were...

My One and Only Summer Weekly Wrap-Up- I Promise!

I swore off writing weekly wrap-ups this summer, but this week was a doozy, so I’m going back on my word. (I did of course include a disclaimer earlier, allowing myself a loophole should I choose to do a wrap-up. I digress.) Summer has been slow in my blogging...

My “Do-Again” List

A few weeks ago, out of the blue, I had the idea to make a list of moments in my life I’d like to go back and experience again. I guess that is in keeping with my penchant for waxing nostalgic; I have written frequently about how much I enjoy reminiscing about...
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